Türk toplumunda papiller tiroid karsinomlarında BRAF V600E mutasyon sıklığının incelenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Papiller tiroid karsinomu (PTK), tiroid kanserleri arasında en yaygın görülen (%75 - %83) malign tiroid neoplazmıdır. Bununla beraber, RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK sinyal ileti yolağında yer alan BRAF kinazında V600E amino grup asit yerdeğişimine neden olan gen mutasyonu, farklı toplumlarda PTK hastaları üzerinde yapılan çalışmalarda en sık rastlanan mutasyonlardan biridir ve genellikle hastalığın kötü prognozu ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Literatürde, Türk toplumunda PTK olgularında BRAF V600E mutasyonu üzerine yapılan çalışmalar oldukça azdır ve ortaya konulan veriler birbirinden oldukça farklılık göstermektedir. Dolayısıyla, yapılan bu çalışma ile Türk toplumunda papiller tiroid kanserlerinde BRAF V600E mutasyon prevalansının saptanması ve mevcut literatüre katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya PTK tanısı almış 51 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hastalara ait parafine gömülü tümör ve sağlıklı doku örneklerinden DNA izolasyonu gerçekleştirilmiştir. BRAF geninin V600E mutasyonunu içeren 15. Ekzonu polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (PZR) ile çoğaltılmıştır. Elde edilen PZR ürünleri saflaştırıldıktan sonra DNA dizi analizi, Beckman Coulter GenomeLab marka otomatik dizi analizi cihazı kullanılarak Sanger metoduyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toplam 51 hastadan alınan tümör dokularının 13'ünde (%25,4) BRAF gen mutasyonları tespit edilmiştir. Mutasyon dağılımı alt varyantlar açısından değerlendirildiğinde 18 klasik varyant PTK hastasının 11'inde (% 61,11) 15. ekzon üzerinde yer alan bir BRAF gen mutasyonu saptanmıştır. Bu mutasyonların 8/11 (%44,4'ü) BRAF V600E mutasyonu, 3/11 (%16,7') si ise BRAF F583Y mutasyonudur. Bununla beraber, 33 foliküler varyant PTK olgusunda ise 1'i sessiz mutasyon olmak üzere iki mutasyon (BRAF V600V, BRAF V600E) (% 6,10) tespit edilmiştir. Mutasyon pozitif tümör örnekleri ile mutasyon negatif tümör örnekleri karşılaştırıldığında; tümör çapından bağımsız olarak, tümör kapsül varlığı, tiroid kapsül invazyonu, tiroid dışı yumuşak doku invazyonu, tümör multisentiritesi, lenf nod metaztazı ile mutasyon varlığı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak, elde edilen veriler ışığında BRAF V600E mutasyonunun hastalığın kötü prognoz ile ilişkili olduğu göz önüne alırsa, hastalığın prognozunun takibi açısından Türk toplumunda daha büyük hasta popülâsyonlarında yapılacak çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Ayrıca, foliküler varyant PTK'ların agresifliğini belirlemek ve ayırıcı tanısında kullanılmak üzere bu hasta grubunda BRAF V600E mutasyonu haricinde RAS (KRAS, NRAS, HRAS) mutasyonlarının incelenmesine ihtiyaç vardır.
Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common malign thyroid neoplasm (75%-83%) among the thyroid cancers. However, a mutation causing V600E amino acid substitution on BRAF kinase, which takes place in RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK signaling pathway, is the one of the most common mutation in PTC patients in different populations, and is associated with poor prognosis of the disease. There are few studies on BRAF V600E mutation prevalence in PTC cases in Turkish population in literature, and the data presented are quite inconsistent. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of BRAF V600E mutation in papillary thyroid cancers in Turkish population with a contribution to current literature. Fifty-one patients, diagnosed PTC, were enrolled in this study. DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tumor and surrounding tissue samples. The 15th exon of the BRAF gene including V600E mutation was amplified by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).Following purification of the obtained PCR products, DNA sequencing was performed with Sanger method, by employing a Beckman Coulter GenomeLab automated DNA sequencer. BRAF mutations were detected in 13 tumor tissues (25,4%) from a in total 51 patients. When mutation distribution was evaluated according to the sub variants of PTC, a mutation at 15th exon of the BRAF gene was detected 11 of 18 classical variant PTC patients (61,11%). 8/11 (44,4%) of these mutations were BRAF V600E, and 3/11 (16,7%) were BRAF F583Y. At the same time two mutations (6,10%) were detected in 33 follicular variant of PTC patients, One being silent mutation (BRAF V600V), while the other BRAF V600E mutation. When mutation positive tumor samples compared with mutation negative ones, tumor encapsulation, thyroid capsule invasion, extrathyroidal tissue invasion, tumor multifocality, and lymph node metastasis were associated with BRAF mutations independent from tumor size (p<0,05). As a result, considering that BRAF V600E mutation is correlated with poor prognosis of the disease according to the obtained data, larger population based studies are necessary in order to follow up to prognosis of the PTC patients in Turkish population. Besides, in order to evaluate aggressiveness of the follicular variant PTCs and to use in distinctive diagnosis, RAS (KRAS, NRAS and HRAS) mutation screening should be considered addition to BRAF V600E in follicular variant PTC patients.
Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common malign thyroid neoplasm (75%-83%) among the thyroid cancers. However, a mutation causing V600E amino acid substitution on BRAF kinase, which takes place in RAS-RAF-MEK-ERK signaling pathway, is the one of the most common mutation in PTC patients in different populations, and is associated with poor prognosis of the disease. There are few studies on BRAF V600E mutation prevalence in PTC cases in Turkish population in literature, and the data presented are quite inconsistent. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of BRAF V600E mutation in papillary thyroid cancers in Turkish population with a contribution to current literature. Fifty-one patients, diagnosed PTC, were enrolled in this study. DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tumor and surrounding tissue samples. The 15th exon of the BRAF gene including V600E mutation was amplified by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).Following purification of the obtained PCR products, DNA sequencing was performed with Sanger method, by employing a Beckman Coulter GenomeLab automated DNA sequencer. BRAF mutations were detected in 13 tumor tissues (25,4%) from a in total 51 patients. When mutation distribution was evaluated according to the sub variants of PTC, a mutation at 15th exon of the BRAF gene was detected 11 of 18 classical variant PTC patients (61,11%). 8/11 (44,4%) of these mutations were BRAF V600E, and 3/11 (16,7%) were BRAF F583Y. At the same time two mutations (6,10%) were detected in 33 follicular variant of PTC patients, One being silent mutation (BRAF V600V), while the other BRAF V600E mutation. When mutation positive tumor samples compared with mutation negative ones, tumor encapsulation, thyroid capsule invasion, extrathyroidal tissue invasion, tumor multifocality, and lymph node metastasis were associated with BRAF mutations independent from tumor size (p<0,05). As a result, considering that BRAF V600E mutation is correlated with poor prognosis of the disease according to the obtained data, larger population based studies are necessary in order to follow up to prognosis of the PTC patients in Turkish population. Besides, in order to evaluate aggressiveness of the follicular variant PTCs and to use in distinctive diagnosis, RAS (KRAS, NRAS and HRAS) mutation screening should be considered addition to BRAF V600E in follicular variant PTC patients.
Anahtar Kelimeler
BRAF V600E, Mutasyon, Papiller Tiroid Kanseri, Tiroid, Mutation, Papillary Thyroid Cancer, Thyroid