N-nitro-l-arjinin metil ester (L-NAME) ile preeklampsi modeli oluşturulan sıçanlarda kurkuminin etkisinin incelenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Çalışmamızda gebe sıçanlarda oluşturulan deneysel preeklampsi modelinde Kurkuminin beyin dokusu KBB'ine, plazmadaki bazı oksidatif stres parametrelerine ve Sistolik ve Diastolik Kan Basıncı (SKB ve DKB) üzerine etkilerini incelemeyi amaçladık. Wistar Albino dişi sıçanlar dört gruba ayrıldı. Sıçanlar, Kontrol, Kurkumin (100 mg/kg/gün, gastric gavaj ile 10 gün), L-NAME (80 mg/kg/gün, içme suyu ile 10 gün boyunca), L-NAME (80 mg/kg/gün, içme suyu ile 10 gün boyunca) + Kurkumin (100 mg/kg/gün, gastric gava ile 10 gün boyunca) olarak düzenlendi. Gebeliğin 0. , 15. ve 20. günlerinde, indirek SKB ve DKB düzeyleri Data Aquising sistemiyle ölçüldü. Gebeliğin 20. gününde hayvanlar sakrifiye edilerek, biyokimyasal değerlendirmeler için intrakardiyak kan alımı yapıldı. Plazmada Tiyobarbitürik Asit Reaktan Maddeleri (TBARS), Protein Karbonil (PC) ve Nitrik Oksit (NO) seviyeleri değerlendirildi. Histopatolojik inceleme için beyin dokusu çıkartıldı ve beyin kesitleri hematoksilen-eozin (H-E) ile boyandı. İmmünohistokimyasal olarak, sıkı bağlantı proteini Okludin, vasküler endotel hücre membran protein Kaveolin-1 ve su kanal proteini Aquaporin-4 (AQP-4) semikantitatif olarak değerlendirildi. L-NAME grubu TBARS düzeyi Kontrol (P<0.001), Kurkumin (P<0.001) ve L-NAME + Kurkumin (P<0.001) gruplarından yüksekti. L-NAME grubu PC düzeyi Kontrol (P<0.006), Kurkumin (P<0.006) ve L-NAME + Kurkumin (P<0.002) gruplarından yüksekti. Kurkumin grubunun NO düzeyi Kontrol (P<0.002), L-NAME (P<0.001) ve L-NAME+Kurkumin (P<0.001) grubuna göre yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. L-NAME grubunun 20. gündeki SKB Kontrol (P<0.001), Kurkumin (P<0.001) ve L-NAME + Kurkumin (P<0.001) gruplarına göre yüksekti. L-NAME + Kurkumin grubunun 20. gündeki DKB Kontrol (P<0.027) ve L-NAME grubuna (P<0.001) göre azaldı. Ayrıca, L-NAME grubu 20. gün DKB düzeyi, Kurkumin (P<0.027) grubundan yüksekti. İmmünohistokimyasal değerlendirmede L-NAME grubunda AQP-4 yoğun boyanırken, Okludin ve Kaveolin-1 daha az boyandı. L-NAME+ Kurkumin grubunda ise L-NAME grubuna göre AQP-4 boyanma yoğunluğunun azaldığı, buna karşın Okludinin ve Kaveolin-1'in daha yoğun boyandığı görüldü. Deneysel preeklampsi modelimizde, Kurkumin plazma NO seviyesini arttırırken, plazma lipid ve protein oksidasyon seviyelerini azalttı. Kurkumin preeklampside kan basıncını azalttı. Kurkumin aynı zamanda KBB bütünlüğü üzerine koruyucu etkiye sahiptir. Çalışmamızda, Kurkuminin preeklampside faydalı bir etkiye sahip olabileceği sonucuna varıldı.
In our study, we aim to examine the effect of Curcumin on blood brain barrier (BBB), brain tissue, plasma, sistolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) with different parameter in an experimental preeclampsia formed by pregnant rats. Wistar Albino female rats are divided into four groups. Rat groups were arranged as Control, Curcumin (100 mg/kg/day, by gastric gavage for ten days), L-NAME (80 mg/kg/day, in their drinking water for ten days), L-NAME (80 mg/kg/day, in their drinking water for ten days) + Curcumin (100 mg/kg/day, by gastric gavage for ten days). İndirect Systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP and DBP) were measured by data acquisition system in the 0th, 15th and 20th day of gestation. Rats were sacrificed, and then intracardiac blood was taken for the biochemical parameters in the 20th day of gestation. Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Species (TBARS), Protein Carbonyl (PC) and Nitric Oxide (NO) levels in were assessed in plasma. The rat brain was removed for histopathologic research, and the brain sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H-E). As immunohistochemically, tight junction protein Occluding, vascular endothelial cell membrane protein Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) and water channel protein aquaporin-4 (AQP-4) were assessed as semi-quantitative. The TBARS level of L-NAME group were higher than Control (P<0.001), Curcumin (P<0.001) and L-NAME + Curcumin groups (P<0.001). The PC level of L-NAME group were higher than Control (P<0.006), Curcumin (P<0.006) and L-NAME + Curcumin groups (P<0.002). The NO level of Curcumin group were higher than Control (P<0.002) L-NAME (P<0.001) and L-NAME + Curcumin groups (P<0.001). The tail SBP of L-NAME group in the G20.day were higher than Control (P<0.001), Curcumin (P<0.001) ve L-NAME + Curcumin (P<0.001) groups. The tail DBP of L-NAME + Curcumin group in the G20.day were decreased than Control (P<0.027) and L-NAME (P<0.001) groups. Furthermore, the tail DBP of L-NAME group in the G20.day were higher than Curcumin group (P<0.027). In immunohistochemical assessment, the staining of AQP-4 in L-NAME group was intense. Occludin and Caveolin-1 were stained low intense in L-NAME group. In L-NAME + Curcumin group according to L-NAME, AQP-4 was stained less intens, whereas Occludin and Caveolin-1 were stained more intense. Curcumin reduced plasma lipid and protein oxidation levels whereas it increased NO levels in our experimental preeclampsia models. Curcumin decreased the blood pressure in preeclamsia. It has also protective effect on integrity of BBB. In our study, It was conclued that Curcumin may be a useful treatment for preeclamsia.
In our study, we aim to examine the effect of Curcumin on blood brain barrier (BBB), brain tissue, plasma, sistolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) with different parameter in an experimental preeclampsia formed by pregnant rats. Wistar Albino female rats are divided into four groups. Rat groups were arranged as Control, Curcumin (100 mg/kg/day, by gastric gavage for ten days), L-NAME (80 mg/kg/day, in their drinking water for ten days), L-NAME (80 mg/kg/day, in their drinking water for ten days) + Curcumin (100 mg/kg/day, by gastric gavage for ten days). İndirect Systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP and DBP) were measured by data acquisition system in the 0th, 15th and 20th day of gestation. Rats were sacrificed, and then intracardiac blood was taken for the biochemical parameters in the 20th day of gestation. Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Species (TBARS), Protein Carbonyl (PC) and Nitric Oxide (NO) levels in were assessed in plasma. The rat brain was removed for histopathologic research, and the brain sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (H-E). As immunohistochemically, tight junction protein Occluding, vascular endothelial cell membrane protein Caveolin-1 (Cav-1) and water channel protein aquaporin-4 (AQP-4) were assessed as semi-quantitative. The TBARS level of L-NAME group were higher than Control (P<0.001), Curcumin (P<0.001) and L-NAME + Curcumin groups (P<0.001). The PC level of L-NAME group were higher than Control (P<0.006), Curcumin (P<0.006) and L-NAME + Curcumin groups (P<0.002). The NO level of Curcumin group were higher than Control (P<0.002) L-NAME (P<0.001) and L-NAME + Curcumin groups (P<0.001). The tail SBP of L-NAME group in the G20.day were higher than Control (P<0.001), Curcumin (P<0.001) ve L-NAME + Curcumin (P<0.001) groups. The tail DBP of L-NAME + Curcumin group in the G20.day were decreased than Control (P<0.027) and L-NAME (P<0.001) groups. Furthermore, the tail DBP of L-NAME group in the G20.day were higher than Curcumin group (P<0.027). In immunohistochemical assessment, the staining of AQP-4 in L-NAME group was intense. Occludin and Caveolin-1 were stained low intense in L-NAME group. In L-NAME + Curcumin group according to L-NAME, AQP-4 was stained less intens, whereas Occludin and Caveolin-1 were stained more intense. Curcumin reduced plasma lipid and protein oxidation levels whereas it increased NO levels in our experimental preeclampsia models. Curcumin decreased the blood pressure in preeclamsia. It has also protective effect on integrity of BBB. In our study, It was conclued that Curcumin may be a useful treatment for preeclamsia.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Preeklampsi, L-NAME, Kurkumin, AQP-4, Okludin, Kaveolin-1, Preeclampsia, Curcumin, Occludin, Caveolin-1