Kırklareli bal arısı populasyonlarında (Apis mellifera L.) mtDNA COI ve ND5 gen bölgelerinde PCR-RFLP analizi ile genetik çeşitliliğin belirlenmesi
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırmada, Kırklareli bal arısı populasyonlarını temsil eden bal arıları mitokondriyel genomda COI ve ND5 gen bölgeleri temelinde incelenmiştir. Apis mellifera populasyonlarının tanımlanmasında restriksiyon parça uzunluk polimorfizmi (RFLP) yönteminden faydalanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin Kırklareli bölgesinde bulunan bal arısı populasyonları COI ve ND5 gen bölgelerinde PCR-RFLP yöntemi ile NcoI, SspI, StyI, AluI, HincII, FokI restriksiyon enzimleri kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Kırklareli ilini temsil eden bal arısı populasyonlarının yanı sıra Tekirdağ yöresinden de olmak üzere toplam 117 adet işçi arı örnekleri materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, COI gen bölgesinin NcoI enzimi ile kesimi sonucunda farklı varyasyon ve mutasyon noktaları tespit edilmiştir. COI/NcoI kesiminde G›A transizyonu sonucu CCATGG şeklinde olan DNA dizisi CCATGA şeklinde yeni bir kesim noktası oluşturmuştur ve bu haplotip C haplotipi olarak adlandırılmıştır. COI/SspI kesimi sonucu daha önce literatürde bildirilen C haplotipi tespit edilmiştir. COI/StyI enzimi ile muamele sonucunda G›A transizyonu sonucu, CCWWGG şeklinde olan DNA dizisi, CCWWGA şekline dönmüş ve literatürde daha önce bildirilen kesim noktası ve B haplotipi tespit edilmiştir. ND5/AluI restriksiyon enzimi ile kesim sonucu tüm örneklerde C haplotipi elde edilmiştir. ND5/FokI ve ND5/HincII enzimleri ile incelenen tüm populasyonlarda kesim tespit edilememiş ve tek bir bant profili sonucu B haplotipi oluştuğu görülmüştür.
In this study, honey bees representing Kırklareli honey bee populations were investigated based on COI and ND5 gene regions in the mitochondrial genome. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method was used to define the Apis mellifera populations. In this study, honey bee populations in the Kırklareli province of Turkey were investigated via COI and ND5 gene regions by PCR-RFLP method using NcoI, SspI, StyI, AluI, HincII, FokI restriction enzymes. A total of 117 worker bee samples were used as material from Kırklareli and Tekirdağ region. In this study, different variation and point mutation was determined as a result of cutting the COI gene region with the NcoI enzyme. The DNA sequence of CCATGG as a result of the G›A transition in the COI/NcoI segment formed a new restriction site as CCATGA and this haplotype was determined as the C haplotype. As a result of the COI/SspI restriction, the C haplotype previously reported in the literature was determined. As a result of the treatment with COI/StyI enzyme, the cut-off point previously reported in the literature was determined from the mutation of the G›A transition and the CCWWGG DNA sequence changed as CCWWGA, and this profile was expressed as the B haplotype. C haplotype was obtained in all the samples as a result of restricting with ND5/AluI restriction enzyme. No digestion was found in all of the populations analyzed with ND5/FokI and ND5/HincII enzymes, and only B haplotype was observed.
In this study, honey bees representing Kırklareli honey bee populations were investigated based on COI and ND5 gene regions in the mitochondrial genome. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method was used to define the Apis mellifera populations. In this study, honey bee populations in the Kırklareli province of Turkey were investigated via COI and ND5 gene regions by PCR-RFLP method using NcoI, SspI, StyI, AluI, HincII, FokI restriction enzymes. A total of 117 worker bee samples were used as material from Kırklareli and Tekirdağ region. In this study, different variation and point mutation was determined as a result of cutting the COI gene region with the NcoI enzyme. The DNA sequence of CCATGG as a result of the G›A transition in the COI/NcoI segment formed a new restriction site as CCATGA and this haplotype was determined as the C haplotype. As a result of the COI/SspI restriction, the C haplotype previously reported in the literature was determined. As a result of the treatment with COI/StyI enzyme, the cut-off point previously reported in the literature was determined from the mutation of the G›A transition and the CCWWGG DNA sequence changed as CCWWGA, and this profile was expressed as the B haplotype. C haplotype was obtained in all the samples as a result of restricting with ND5/AluI restriction enzyme. No digestion was found in all of the populations analyzed with ND5/FokI and ND5/HincII enzymes, and only B haplotype was observed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoteknoloji, Biotechnology, Genetik, Genetics, Ziraat, Agriculture