Elektro lif çekim tekniği ile nanoliflerden iplik eğirme yönteminin geliştirilmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Elektro lif çekim yöntemi genel olarak nanolifli yüzey üretim için kullanılmakta olup, bu yöntemle ipliklerin eğrilmesi nanoliflerin iplik formunda kullanılabilmesine imkan sağlayacak yeni bir yaklaşımdır. Sunulan çalışmanın temel amacı elektro lif çekim yöntemi ile nanolif iplik eğirme sisteminin tasarımı, kurulumu ve geliştirilmesidir. Bu kapsamda kesintisiz eğirme sağlayabilen, iplik inceliğinin ve iplik bükümünün kontrol edilebildiği bir nanolif iplik eğirme sistemi başarı ile geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmada öncelikle iki adet enjektör, bir adet konik kollektör, DC güç kaynağı, iki adet dozajlama pompası ve iplik sarım sisteminden oluşan bir prototip sistem kurulmuştur. Sistemin çalışma prensibi analiz edilerek, PAN polimerinden nanolif iplik eğrilmesi sağlandıktan sonra, kollektör dönüş hızı, iplik sarım hızı, polimer besleme hızı gibi proses parametrelerinin lif ve iplik özelliklerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca polimer çözeltisinin iletkenliği arttırılarak lif ve iplik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmaları takiben PLC kontrollü elektro lif çekim sistemiyle nanolif iplik eğirme sistemi tasarlanarak kurulmuş, elde edilen iplikler analiz edilmiş ve sistem daha kolay ve stabil nanolif iplik eğirme yapabilecek şekilde iyileştirilmiştir.
Electrospinning has been generally used for production of nanofiber surfaces while nanofiber yarn spinning by this method is a new approach enabling use of nanofibers in yarn form. The main aim of this study is to design, install and develop the nanofiber yarn production system by electrospinning method. In this context, a nanofiber yarn spinning system that can control yarn fineness and twist to produce continuous yarn was successfully developed. Firstly, a prototype system consisting of two injectors, one conical collector, DC power supply, two dosing pumps and a yarn winding system was established. By producing PAN nanofiber yarn and analyzing the working principle of the system, the effect of collector rotation speed, yarn winding speed, polymer feeding speed on fiber and yarn properties were investigated. In addition, the conductivity of the polymer solution was increased and fiber and yarn properties were investigated. Following these studies, PLC controlled nanofiber yarn spinning system was designed and installed, the resulting yarns were analyzed and the system was further improved to make nanofiber yarn spinning easier and more stable
Electrospinning has been generally used for production of nanofiber surfaces while nanofiber yarn spinning by this method is a new approach enabling use of nanofibers in yarn form. The main aim of this study is to design, install and develop the nanofiber yarn production system by electrospinning method. In this context, a nanofiber yarn spinning system that can control yarn fineness and twist to produce continuous yarn was successfully developed. Firstly, a prototype system consisting of two injectors, one conical collector, DC power supply, two dosing pumps and a yarn winding system was established. By producing PAN nanofiber yarn and analyzing the working principle of the system, the effect of collector rotation speed, yarn winding speed, polymer feeding speed on fiber and yarn properties were investigated. In addition, the conductivity of the polymer solution was increased and fiber and yarn properties were investigated. Following these studies, PLC controlled nanofiber yarn spinning system was designed and installed, the resulting yarns were analyzed and the system was further improved to make nanofiber yarn spinning easier and more stable
Anahtar Kelimeler
Elektro lif çekim yöntemi, Nanolif, Nanolif iplik, Konik kollektör, Electrospinning method, Nanofiber, Nanofiber yarn, Conical collector