A Rare Complication of Orbital Cellulitis in a Diabetic Case: Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
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Diyabetin çeşitli enfeksiyonlara ve tromboza eğilimi artırdığı iyi bilinmektedir. Diyabette doğal, hücresel ve humoral bağışıklık mekanizmalarının çeşitli basamaklarında bozukluklar beklenir. Trombosit fonksiyonlarındaki, koagülasyon faktörlerindeki ve damar yapısındaki bozukluklar da tromboza eğilimi artırır. Hem enfeksiyonların hem de trombotik olayların diyabetteki seyri diyabetik olmayan olgulara göre daha ciddidir. Bu yazıda orbital sellülit gelişip kavernöz sinüs trombozu ile komplike olan 94 yaşında diyabetik erkek olgu sunuldu. Olgu orbital sellülit, idrar yolu enfeksiyonu, hiperozmolar non ketotik durum, akut böbrek yetersizliği ve üremiye sekonder kompanse metabolik asidoz tanıları ile endokrinoloji servisine yatırıldı. Antibiyoterapisine ve hidrasyonuna vakit kaybetmeksizin başlanıp gerekli tedavisi yapılan olgu, mortalitesi yüksek kavernöz sinüs trombozu sonrası tedaviye cevap vermeyerek kaybedildi. Özellikle diyabetik olgularda orbital enfeksiyonların komşuluk yoluyla kavernöz sinüse yayılıp septik tromboza yol açarak ölümcül seyredebileceği göz önüne alınarak erken tanı ve tedavisi yapılmalıdır
It is that diabetes mellitus increases tendency to develop infections and thrombosis. Impairment of various mechanisms and agents of humoral and cellular immune systems can be expected. Disturbances of platelet function, coagulation factors, and vascular structure predispose diabetics to thrombotic events. The course of both infections and thrombotic events is often worse than in non-diabetic patients. Presently described is 94-year-old male patient with diabetes who had orbital cellulitis that became complicated with cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST). He was admitted to endocrinology clinic with diagnoses of orbital cellulitis, urinary tract infection, hyperosmolar non-ketotic state, acute renal failure, and compensated metabolic acidosis secondary to uremia. Despite immediate antibiotherapy, hydration, and additional required treatment, patient did not respond and died as a result of CST. There must be awareness, especially for diabetic patients, that orbital infections may spread to nearby cavernous sinuses and cause potentially lethal septic CST. Early diagnosis and immediate treatment are essential
It is that diabetes mellitus increases tendency to develop infections and thrombosis. Impairment of various mechanisms and agents of humoral and cellular immune systems can be expected. Disturbances of platelet function, coagulation factors, and vascular structure predispose diabetics to thrombotic events. The course of both infections and thrombotic events is often worse than in non-diabetic patients. Presently described is 94-year-old male patient with diabetes who had orbital cellulitis that became complicated with cavernous sinus thrombosis (CST). He was admitted to endocrinology clinic with diagnoses of orbital cellulitis, urinary tract infection, hyperosmolar non-ketotic state, acute renal failure, and compensated metabolic acidosis secondary to uremia. Despite immediate antibiotherapy, hydration, and additional required treatment, patient did not respond and died as a result of CST. There must be awareness, especially for diabetic patients, that orbital infections may spread to nearby cavernous sinuses and cause potentially lethal septic CST. Early diagnosis and immediate treatment are essential
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