Buğday-ayçiçeği nöbetleşe ekiminde yer alacak bazı baklagil yem bitkilerinin, ana ürünlerin verim ve kalite unsurlarına etkileri
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Trakya Bölgesi'nde yaygın olarak uygulanan Buğday-Ayçiçeği nöbetleşe ekimi yerine alternatif olacak ve Buğday hasadından sonra Ayçiçeği ekimine kadar tarlanın boş kaldığı 9 aylık süreyi değerlendirmek için Macar fiği ve Yem Bezelyesi yetiştirilme olanakları araştırılmıştır. Tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülen denemede buğday ve ayçiçeği gibi ana ürünlerin verim ve başlıca verim unsurlarının yanı sıra bazı kalite özellikleri de saptanmış, ara ürünler olan Macar fiği ve yem bezelyesinin yaş ve kuru ot verimleri alınmıştır. Bölgede yaygın olarak uygulanan Buğday-Ayçiçeği-Buğday nöbetleşe ekiminde 547.9 kg/da ile en yüksek buğday verimi alınmıştır. En yüksek ayçiçeği verimi ise 102.7 kg/da ile Macar fiğ-ayçiçeği nöbetleşe ekimden elde edilmiştir. Macar fiğ-Ayçiçeği-Buğday ekim nöbetinde 493.2 kg/da buğday verimi, 102.7 kg/da ayçiçeği verimi, 2277.0 kg/da yaş ot ve 606.7 kg/da kuru ot verimi alınmıştır. Yem Bezelyesi-Ayçiçeği-Buğday ekim nöbetinde 493,2 kg/da buğday verimi, 92.6 kg/da ayçiçeği verimi, 3299.7 kg/da yaş ot verimi ve 663.7 kg/da kuru ot verimi alınmıştır. Macar fiği ve yem bezelyesini yer aldığı ekim nöbeti sistemleri ile üreticilere dekar başına 103.13-111.39 YTL ek gelir sağlanabileceği görülmüştür. Ekim nöbeti sistemlerinin özellikle buğday kalite unsurlarına önemli etkilerinin olduğu ve Macar fiğ-Ayçiçeği-Buğday ve Yem Bezelyesi-Ayçiçeği-Buğday ekim nöbeti sistemlerinin toprağın organik madde miktarını artırdığı dikkati çekmektedir.
In this study, Hungarian vetch and field pea growing chances in period (nine months) up to from wheat harvest to sunflower sowing instead of wheat-sunflower rotation commonly applied in Trakya region were investigated. The experiment was carried out in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. In the experiment, yield and quality components of main crops such as wheat, sunflower and fresh and dry weight of Hungarian vetch and field pea were determined. The highest wheat yield (547.9 kg/da) was obtained from wheat-sunflower-wheat rotation commonly applied in this region. The highest sunflower yield (102.7) kg/da) was obtained from Hungarian vetch-sunflower rotation system. In rotation of Hungarian vetch-sunflower-wheat, wheat yield, sunflower yield, fresh weight of Hungarian vetch and dry weight of Hungarian vetch were 493.0 kg/da, 102.7 kg/da, 2277 kg/da and 606.7 kg/da, respectively. In rotation of field pea-sunflower-wheat, wheat yield, sunflower yield, fresh weight of field pea and dry weight of field pea were 493.2 kg/da, 92.6 kg/da, 3299.7 kg/da and 663.7 kg/da, respectively. It shows that rotation systems with Hungarian vetch ant field pea have been provided addition income 103.13-111.39 YTL per decare to producers. Quality components of wheat and sunflower have been affected significantly by these rotation systems, and organic matter amount of soil have been increased by Hungarian vetch-sunflower-wheat and field pea-sunflower-wheat rotation systems.
In this study, Hungarian vetch and field pea growing chances in period (nine months) up to from wheat harvest to sunflower sowing instead of wheat-sunflower rotation commonly applied in Trakya region were investigated. The experiment was carried out in randomized complete blocks design with three replications. In the experiment, yield and quality components of main crops such as wheat, sunflower and fresh and dry weight of Hungarian vetch and field pea were determined. The highest wheat yield (547.9 kg/da) was obtained from wheat-sunflower-wheat rotation commonly applied in this region. The highest sunflower yield (102.7) kg/da) was obtained from Hungarian vetch-sunflower rotation system. In rotation of Hungarian vetch-sunflower-wheat, wheat yield, sunflower yield, fresh weight of Hungarian vetch and dry weight of Hungarian vetch were 493.0 kg/da, 102.7 kg/da, 2277 kg/da and 606.7 kg/da, respectively. In rotation of field pea-sunflower-wheat, wheat yield, sunflower yield, fresh weight of field pea and dry weight of field pea were 493.2 kg/da, 92.6 kg/da, 3299.7 kg/da and 663.7 kg/da, respectively. It shows that rotation systems with Hungarian vetch ant field pea have been provided addition income 103.13-111.39 YTL per decare to producers. Quality components of wheat and sunflower have been affected significantly by these rotation systems, and organic matter amount of soil have been increased by Hungarian vetch-sunflower-wheat and field pea-sunflower-wheat rotation systems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Buğday, ayçiçeği, ekim nöbeti, Macar fiği, yem bezelyesi, verim ve kalite unsurları, Wheat, sunflower, rotation, Hungarian vetch, field pea, yield and quality components