Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırmanın amacı, erkek üniversite öğrencilerinin, Türkiye’de erkek olarak yaşadıkları zorluklara ilişkin görüşlerinin incelenmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda öncelikle 10 kişilik bir grup erkek üniversite öğrencisi ile yapılan odak grup görüşmesinde, öğrencilere Türkiye’de erkek olmayı nasıl değerlendirdiklerine dair çeşitli sorular sorulmuştur. İfadeler Türkiye’de erkek olmanın zorlukları üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Ardından, odak grup görüşmesinden elde edilen dönütler doğrultusunda sosyo-demografik bilgileri ve “Türkiye’de bir erkek olarak sizin yaşadığınız zorluklar nelerdir?” şeklinde bir açık uçlu soruyu içeren bir anket hazırlanmıştır. Hazırlanan anket, hem doğrudan hem de elektronik ortamda, elverişli örneklem ve kartopu örnekleme yöntemleri yoluyla ulaşılan toplam 201 erkek öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Katılımcılardan gelen yanıtlar içerik analizi ile incelenmiştir. İçerik analizi sürecinde analiz birimleri araştırmacılar tarafından ayrı ayrı kodlanmış ve kodlardan yola çıkarak temalar ve temalar içinde kategoriler belirlenmiştir. Veri setinin bağımsız olarak kodlanmasından sonra, diğer üç araştırmacı tarafından ayrı ayrı incelenmiş, oluşturulan kodlama ve temalar yeniden değerlendirilmiştir. Ardından her tema için frekans ve yüzde değerleri bulunmuştur. Bulgular incelendiğinde, katılımcıların sırasıyla en çok toplumsal baskıya maruz kalma (124; % 56.88), kendilerinden beklenen sorumluluklar (53; % 23.86), damgalanma-potansiyel suçlu bulunma (42; % 19.26) konularında zorluk yaşadıkları görülmüştür. Erkek öğrencilerin, toplumsal baskı temasında toplumdaki yüksek beklentiler, kadınlara yönelik pozitif ayrımcılığın olumsuz sonuçları, toplumsal cinsiyetle ilgili kalıp yargılar, güçlü olmanın beklenmesi ve cinsellik konularında birtakım zorluklar yaşadıkları anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, paralı olma, askerlik yapma, işe girme/çalışma, evlenme gibi kendilerinden beklenen sorumluluklarla ilgili konularda da zorluklar yaşadıkları görülmüştür. Bu bulguların yanı sıra, katılımcılar toplumda erkeklere yönelik olan damgalama ve potansiyel suçlu olarak görülmekten dolayı da çeşitli zorluklar yaşamaktadırlar. Elde edilen bulgular, alanyazın ışığında tartışılmış ve bazı öneriler sunulmuştur.
The purpose of this study is to examine the opinion of male university students in Turkey about the difficulties they are experiencing as men. For this purpose, firstly focus group interviews were conducted with 10 students and some questions were asked to identify how they are considering being men in Turkey. Statements focused on difficulties of being men in Turkey. Then socio-demographic characteristics and one open-ended question were designed by researchers considering the answers given at these interviews. The question was ‘What are the difficulties you are experiencing as a man in Turkey?’ The study group was composed of 201 individuals who were selected with convenience sampling and snowball sampling. Both face-to-face method and online form were used. The data gained from participants were analyzed by use of content analyses. In the analyzing process, data is arranged and coded by each researcher and themed on the basis of codes and categories that have been identified in themes. After data was coded separately by one researcher; codes, categories and themes were evaluated again by other three researchers. And then distributions are displayed by frequencies and percentages. According to the results, participants stated that they are experiencing following difficulties; experiencing social pressure (124; %56, 88), required responsibilities (53; %23, 86), stigmatization-potential criminality (42; %19, 26). According to the results, male university students in Turkey are having difficulties about high expectations in society, negative effects of positive discrimination, stereotypes about gender, expectations of being strong and sexuality within the social pressure theme. Also having money, compulsory military service, finding/starting a job, getting married are responsibilities that caused difficulties. In addition, the participants stated that they are having difficulties in the society about stigmatization towards men and being considered as potential criminals. The findings were discussed in the light of literature and some suggestions were presented.
The purpose of this study is to examine the opinion of male university students in Turkey about the difficulties they are experiencing as men. For this purpose, firstly focus group interviews were conducted with 10 students and some questions were asked to identify how they are considering being men in Turkey. Statements focused on difficulties of being men in Turkey. Then socio-demographic characteristics and one open-ended question were designed by researchers considering the answers given at these interviews. The question was ‘What are the difficulties you are experiencing as a man in Turkey?’ The study group was composed of 201 individuals who were selected with convenience sampling and snowball sampling. Both face-to-face method and online form were used. The data gained from participants were analyzed by use of content analyses. In the analyzing process, data is arranged and coded by each researcher and themed on the basis of codes and categories that have been identified in themes. After data was coded separately by one researcher; codes, categories and themes were evaluated again by other three researchers. And then distributions are displayed by frequencies and percentages. According to the results, participants stated that they are experiencing following difficulties; experiencing social pressure (124; %56, 88), required responsibilities (53; %23, 86), stigmatization-potential criminality (42; %19, 26). According to the results, male university students in Turkey are having difficulties about high expectations in society, negative effects of positive discrimination, stereotypes about gender, expectations of being strong and sexuality within the social pressure theme. Also having money, compulsory military service, finding/starting a job, getting married are responsibilities that caused difficulties. In addition, the participants stated that they are having difficulties in the society about stigmatization towards men and being considered as potential criminals. The findings were discussed in the light of literature and some suggestions were presented.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Erkeklik, Erkek Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolü, Gender, Masculinity, Male Gender Role
HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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