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Öğe Analysis of Polygalacturonase Enzyme Production in Isolates of Botrytis cinerea Sensitive to Different Fungicides Used in Vineyards(Wiley, 2010) Özer, Nuray; Köycü, Nagehan Desen; Delen, NafizReduction of mycelial growth and spore germination of Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of grey mould, are common criteria to determine the sensitivity of this fungus to fungicides. In this article, the influence of nine different fungicides on polygalacturonase (PG) activity and mycelial dry weight (MDW) was analysed on culture filtrates from B. cinerea, obtained from grapes. All fungicides except triadimenol and tebuconazole inhibited MDW of isolates <50%. Cyprodinil + fludioxonil, myclobutanil and imazalil inhibited PG activity more than 50%. Fenhexamid had a lower inhibitory effect (<50%) on PG activity. Procymidone and pyrimethanil induced both PG activity and isoenzyme banding profile of isolates sensitive to these fungicides. This study provides a new additional tool for determining sensitivity to fungicides and monitoring the effect of fungicide resistance management policies.Öğe Bağlarda kurşuni küf hastalığı etmeni (Botrytis cinerea Pers Ex. Fr.)'nin kullanılan fungisitlere karşı duyarlılık düzeylerinin belirlenmesi ve kimyasal mücadelesi üzerine araştırmalar(Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, 2007) Köycü, Nagehan DesenTrakya Bölgesi ’nden 2004 ve 2005 yıllarında hasat döneminde saraplık ve sofralık üzümlerden izole edilen Botrytis cinerea Pers Ex. Fr. izolatlarının dicarboximide (procymidone), anilinopyrimidine (cyprodinil, pyrimethanil), hydroxyanilide (fenhexamid), imidazole (imazalil), phenylpyrrole (fludioxonil), pthalimide (captan), triazole (hexaconazole, penconazole, tebuconazole, triadimenol, myclobutanil) ’e duyarlılık düzeyleri MM besi ortamında; fungisitlerin patojene etkililiği ise üzüm ve yapraklar üzerinde tespit edilmistir. ?zolatların % 100, % 94.28 ve % 82.85 ’i sırasıyla cyprodinil+fluodioxonil, procymidone ve pyrimethanil ‘e duyarlı olmakla birlikte % 100’ü captan, myclobutanil ve triadimenol ’e dayanıklılık göstermislerdir. Cyprodinil+fludioxonil ’in (Switch 62.5) ticari dozu yaprak ve tane testlerinde bu fungisite duyarlı ve dayanıklı izolatlar üzerinde en etkili fungisit olarak belirlenmistir. Tebuconazole, procymidone ve pyrimethanil ise sadece inokule edilmis taneler üzerinde etkili bulunmuslardır. Fungisitlere dayanıklı izolatların doğaya uyumları petri kaplarında miselyal gelisme hızları, sporulasyon ve yaprak üzerinde virülensine göre tespit edilmistir. Doğaya uyumda dayanıklı izolatların bazılarının duyarlı izolatlar kadar doğaya iyi uyum sağladıkları belirlenmistir. Cyprodinil+fludioxonil bağa I. ?laçlama programı olarak çiçeklenme döneminde, salkımlar sıkılasmadan önce, ben düsme döneminde ve hasattan önce olmak üzere 4 kez; II. ?laçlama programında ise, ben düsme ve hasattan önce olmak üzere 2 kez uygulanarak iki ayrı ilaçlama programı karsılastırılmıstır. I. ilaçlama programında, II. ?laçlama programına göre hastalık siddeti önemli derecede düsük olarak belirlenirken, aynı zamanda sarapta da kalıntı bırakmadığı belirlenmistir.Öğe Effect of fungicides on spike characteristics in winter wheat inoculated with Fusarium culmorum(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022) Köycü, Nagehan DesenThe impact of fungicides on the head blight (FHB) development disease index, percent spike harvest index (SHI), and deoxynivalenol (DON) accumulation in wheat kernels under field conditions was evaluated after artificial spike inoculation with Fusarium culmorum (S-14). The trial was carried out using commercially available fungicides and a sensitive cultivar of bread wheat (Flamura-85) in a field of a wheat producer located in the Trakya region of Turkey. Fungicides were applied at the beginning of anthesis (ZGS 61), 48 hours after the inoculation with the pathogen. Disease index was determined 10 days and 14 days post-inoculation. The application of fungicides containing tebuconazole, thiophanate methyl plus tetraconazole and prothioconazole plus trifloxystrobin reduced the FHB disease and increased kernel number, spike weight, and kernel weight, as compared to the inoculated/non-fungicide control. The efficacy of tebuconazole and of prothioconazole plus trifloxystrobin was higher than that of thiophanate methyl plus tetraconazole on FHB disease severity, percent spike harvest index (SHI), and DON accumulation in wheat kernels. © 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Öğe Effect of the Timing of Fungicide Application on Yield and Quality Parameters of Wheat Infected with Fusarium Crown Rot Disease(2024) Köycü, Nagehan Desen; Sukut, FüsunCrown rot caused by Fusarium culmorum (FCR) is a common and important pathogen affecting the cereal industry through grain yield and quality losses. In this study, the effects of epoxiconazole plus prochloraz application and several other applications on disease severity and grain quality parameters including thousand-grain weight (TGW), grain yield (GY), protein (GP), Zeleny sedimentation (ZS), wet gluten (WG) and Grain index (GI), were assessed. The efficacy of epoxiconazole plus prochloraz, were determined in the T1 (ZGS25), T2 (ZGS34), and T3 (ZGS45) growth stages of winter wheat with seven alternative spray programs. These programs were based on (i) the application (SF) of seed fungicide to infected seeds (ii) control without fungicide (non-SF) and (iii) three different growth stages of wheat. The interaction between seed fungicide applied and fungicide application time was significant (P?0.01) for DS, ZS, and WG. The effectiveness regarding the disease severity, TGW, and GY of epoxiconazole plus prochloraz in relation to FCR wheat showed significant (P?0.01) changes depending on the application time. The disease severity resulted in lower T1-T2 (9.66%) and T1-T2-T3 (9.91%) stages than the other stages. The highest yields were obtained when the fungicide was applied twice at the T1-T2 stages. DS/TGW and DS/GY were negatively correlated and TGW/GY was positively correlated in SF.Öğe Farklı Fungisit Uygulama Programlarında Semillon Üzümünde Botrytis Cinerea’nın Enfeksiyonu(Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, 2018) Köycü, Nagehan Desen; Özer, Cengiz; Solak, Erhan; Delen, NafizBotrytis cinerea can lead to reduction in the yield and quality of table and wine grapes, with high economic loses in the world and also Turkey. In this work was compared fungicide applications in trial vineyard of Semillon cv. with that of several grower vineyards the effectiveness to fruit infection of Botrytis cinerea at harvest. Studies were conducted at five sites in Tekirdağ. All fungicide treatments reduced mean B. cinerea berry infection when compared to the unsprayed control treatment. Trial programme resulted in at least disease severity (1.46%) and incidence (5.83%) and this programme was used fungicide at flower stage for B. cinerea. The highest disease severity (11.46%) and incidence (31.67%) was noted in Grower I Programme. This is followed by Grower III programme, Grower II programme and Grower IV programme, respectively. The recommendation for control of B. cinerea in the Trakya region is to apply one spray at bloom.Öğe Fusarium Başak Yanıklığının Buğday Kalite Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi: Enfekteli Başaklara Fungisit Uygulamaları Sonrasındaki Değişim(2021) Köycü, Nagehan DesenFusarium culmorum’un (Wm. G. Sm.) Sacc. tahıllarda fide yanıklığı (FSB), kök çürüklüğü ve başak yanıklığına (FHB) neden olduğu enfeksiyonlar, dünyada ve aynı zamanda Trakya Bölgesi’nde de önemli bir sorundur. Bu çalışmanın amacı, F. culmorum’un buğday tanelerinde protein oranı (%), tanecik boyutu (Particul Size Index), Zeleny sedimantasyon (ml), gluten (%) ve gluten index (%) kriterlerinin kalite parametreleri üzerine etkisini ve fungus ile enfekteli başaklara fungisit uygulamaları sonrasında tane kalite kriterlerindeki değişimi belirlemektir. Buğdayın antezis döneminde (ZGS 61), başaklara el spreyi ile fungusun spor süspansiyonu uygulaması yapılmıştır. Başaklara fungusun suni inokulasyonundan 48 saat sonra, prothioconazole+trifloxystrobin (Madison SC, Bayer CropScience, Türkiye), thiophanate-methyl+tetraconazole (Yamato SE, SumiAgro, Türkiye) ve tebuconazole (Rally SC 250, Agrofarm, Türkiye) etkili maddeleri el pulverizatörü ile uygulanmıştır. Deneme sonunda buğday tanelerinin kalite parametrelerindeki değişimi tespit edilmiştir. Fungisit uygulaması yapılan enfekteli başaklarla karşılaştırıldığında, FHB ile enfekteli tanelerde de protein oranı içeriği değişmemiştir. Enfekteli tanelerde yaş gluten (%), tanecik boyutu (PSI), Zeleny sedimantasyon miktarı (ml) ve gluten indeks (%) değerleri kontrolle kıyaslandığında azalmıştır. Fungisitler arasında, prothioconazole+trifloxystrobin kalite parametreleri üzerinde en etkili fungisit olmuştur. Zeleny sedimantasyon ve yaş gluten arasındaki korelasyon pozitif ve önemli (p<0.01) bulunmuştur.Öğe Infection of botrytis cinerea in different fungicide application programs in semillon grape(Namik Kemal University - Agricultural Faculty, 2018) Köycü, Nagehan Desen; Özer, Cengiz; Solak, Erhan; Delen, NafizBotrytis cinerea can lead to reduction in the yield and quality of table and wine grapes, with high economic loses in the world and also Turkey. In this work was compared fungicide applications in trial vineyard of Semillon cv. with that of several grower vineyards the effectiveness to fruit infection of Botrytis cinerea at harvest. Studies were conducted at five sites in Tekirdağ. All fungicide treatments reduced mean B. cinerea berry infection when compared to the unsprayed control treatment. Trial programme resulted in at least disease severity (1.46%) and incidence (5.83%) and this programme was used fungicide at flower stage for B. cinerea. The highest disease severity (11.46%) and incidence (31.67%) was noted in Grower I Programme. This is followed by Grower III programme, Grower II programme and Grower IV programme, respectively. The recommendation for control of B. cinerea in the Trakya region is to apply one spray at bloom. © 2018 Namik Kemal University - Agricultural Faculty. All rights reserved.Öğe Infection of Botrytis cinerea in Different Fungicide Application Programs in Semillon Grape(2018) Köycü, Nagehan Desen; Özer, Cengiz; Solak, Erhan; Delen, NafizBotrytis cinerea can lead to reduction in the yield and quality of table and wine grapes, with high economic loses inthe world and also Turkey. In this work was compared fungicide applications in trial vineyard of Semillon cv. with thatof several grower vineyards the effectiveness to fruit infection of Botrytis cinerea at harvest. Studies were conductedat five sites in Tekirdağ. All fungicide treatments reduced mean B. cinerea berry infection when compared to theunsprayed control treatment. Trial programme resulted in at least disease severity (1.46%) and incidence (5.83%) andthis programme was used fungicide at flower stage for B. cinerea. The highest disease severity (11.46%) and incidence(31.67%) was noted in Grower I Programme. This is followed by Grower III programme, Grower II programme andGrower IV programme, respectively. The recommendation for control of B. cinerea in the Trakya region is to applyone spray at bloom.Öğe T-resveratrol accumulation and polygalacturonase inhibition during infection of grape berries by Botrytis cinerea(Edizioni ETS, 2014) Köycü, Nagehan Desen; Özer, Nuray; Martignoni, D.; Aleandri, M.P.; Timperio, A.; Magro, P.; Chilosi, G.The resistance of immature grape berries to Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. results from a combination of factors, among which the accumulation of the stilbene phytoalexin t-resveratrol. Stilbene accumulation is thought to be induced by oligogalacturonides (OGs) which are released from the plant cell wall during tissue maceration catalysed by polygalacturonases (PGs) produced by necrotrophic fungal pathogens. Inhibitors of PG activity, the polygalacturonase- inhibiting proteins (PGIPs), have the capability to slow the hydrolytic activity of PGs and favour the accumulation of active OGs. In the present work we have observed that artificial inoculation of grape inflorescences and immature berries at bloom and post bloom, leads to severe infection of the rachis, while lesions on young berries did not result in the development of the disease, but in the development of necrotic spots and rings. PG was detectable in berry tissues, but its secretion was significantly lower than in infected leaves. Tissues of immature berries reacted to B. cinerea inoculation by a marked accumulation of t-resveratrol. PG produced during spore germination of B. cinerea elicited t-resveratrol accumulation. Apoplastic fluids (AFs) from immature berries and leaves were found to inhibit total PG activity produced by B. cinerea, indicating the involvement of a proteinaceous or non-proteinaceous PG inhibitor, or both, as intercellular defence mechanisms. Taken together, our results suggest that the inhibition of PG produced by B. cinerea mediated by a putative PG inhibitor during the early stages of infection of immature grape berries plays a central role in promoting accumulation of t-resveratrol and, consequently, the restriction of pathogen spread.Öğe Trakya Bölgesi'nde Bazı Buğday Çeşitlerinin Fusarium spp. İzolatlarına Karşı Dayanıklılığın Tespit Edilmesi(2019) Köycü, Nagehan Desen; Özer, NurayTrakya Bölgesi’nde yetiştirilen buğday çeşitlerinde kök ve kök boğazıhastalıkları yaygın olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, TrakyaBölgesi’nde buğdayın kök ve kök boğazından elde edilen 40 Fusariumspp. izolatının patojenisitesinin belirlenmesi ve bölgede yaygın olarakkullanılan ekmeklik çeşitlerin (Gelibolu, Golia, Esperia, Krasunya,Nina, Sagittario ve Sana) fide döneminde etmene karşı duyarlılığınınbelirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İzolatların toprağa inokulasyonu yoluylayapılan patojenisite testlerinde, hastalığa karşı hassas olduğu bilineniki çeşit (Flamura 85 ve Pehlivan) kullanılmıştır. Test edilenFusarium spp. izolatları % 0’dan % 100’e değişen oranlarda hastalıkşiddeti oluşturmuşlardır. İzolatlar arasında, 14 numaralı izolat heriki çeşitte % 100 enfeksiyon oluşturmuş ve en patojen izolat olarakbelirlenmiştir. Her iki çeşitte % 40’ın üzerinde hastalık şiddetigösteren 6 izolat dayanıklılık testleri için seçilmiş ve ayrıca türteşhisleri yapılmıştır. Çıkış öncesi ölüm ve hastalık şiddeti dikkatealınarak fide döneminde yapılan dayanıklılık testleri sonucunda Goliaen hassas çeşit olarak tespit edilmiştir. Çıkış öncesi ölüm ve fidedehastalık şiddeti sırasıyla Gelibolu ve Esperia çeşitlerinde en düşükoranlarda olmuştur.