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dc.contributor.authorÖzdamar, Esen Gökçe
dc.description.abstractThis article focuses on the ongoing transformation of Antrepo buildings (warehouses) built on the piers in Salipazari Harbor, its effect on the public domain, and the outcry of the residents against using venues of art used for purely commercial purposes, resulting in gentrification. Planned and designed by Sedat Hakki Eldem, one of the pioneers of the Modern Movement in Turkey in the late 1950s, Salipazari Harbor functions as the main international port of Istanbul. Besides the fact that the warehouses of the pier were housed in Tophane earlier, Salipazari has immense historical and cultural importance; it faces the Historical Peninsula, is adjacent to the open museum of Ottoman architecture dating to the seventeenth century, and is a contemporary art venue. The harbor area consists of seven warehouses that were functional until 1990. Since then, three of the warehouses have been renovated to become, respectively, the Istanbul Modern art gallery, an art exhibition gallery, and the Istanbul art biennial venue. Beginning with the 1990s, this area has come under great threat with the announcement of the Galataport project, which aims to transform the harbor into a cruise port with residential and trade facilities, thereby reducing public access to the historical waterfront area and becoming another site of gentrification. This plan for the adaptation and reuse of the warehouses drew a great deal of opposition from the public. This article, therefore, examines the status of art used as a tool to generate capital and bring about gentrification versus the public, whose lives are going to be affected by these proposed changes. It addresses how art is evaluated from different perspectives in urban transformation, based on social and political interests, taking the example of the Salipazari Harbor.en_US
dc.publisherUniv Barcelona, Fac Fine Artsen_US
dc.titleTransforming the historical waterfront: An(r/t)repo in Istanbulen_US
dc.relation.ispartofOn the Waterfronten_US
dc.departmentFakülteler, Güzel Sanatlar Tasarım ve Mimarlık Fakültesi, Mimarlık Bölümüen_US
dc.institutionauthorÖzdamar, Esen Gökçe
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.authorwosidÖzdamar, Esen Gökçe/W-2898-2019

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