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dc.contributor.authorYüksel, Yakup
dc.description.abstractBiz bu tebliğimizde her konuda söylemleri ders niteliğinde olan Necmettin Erbakan'ın, "Kur'an Kıssaları Bağlamında"ki söylemlerini sunmaya çalışacağız. Tarih sahnesinden birçok insan gelip geçmiştir. Kimileri unutulmuş, kimileri sınırlı zaman diliminde anılmış kimileri ise asırlar boyu anılmaya devam etmiştir. İşte davası, yaşantısı ve mücadelesi bakımından Necmettin Erbakan, hayatında kendinden çokça bahsedilen bir şahsiyet olduğu gibi vefâtından sonra da tarih onu çokça anacaktır. Onu farklı kılan birçok özelliğinin yanı sıra söylemlerindeki incelik ve derinlik dikkatlerimizi çekmektedir. Kendine has üslûbu ile bir ekol olan Hoca'nın, Kur'an kıssaları konusundaki söylemleri de önem arz etmektedir. Erbakan'ın, hayatı hak ve batıl mücadelesi olarak özetleyen felsefesi, peygamberlerin mücadelesinden esinlenmiş bir fikirdir. Kur'an'da kısaca da olsa hayat hikâyeleri anlatılan peygamberlerin vermiş oldukları mücadele sonucunda zafere ulaşmaları, Necmettin Erbakan'ın en önemli ilham kaynağı olmuştur. İnsanların rızık, sağlık ve mutluluk gibi yaşama isteklerinin altında yatan arzunun ancak cihat ile doğru bir şekilde nimete çevrileceği inancı hâkimdir. Nitekim "zafer inananlarındır ve zafer yakındır" şeklindeki Kur'anî söylemi hiç dilinden düşürmemiş olması müslüman bir neslin dinamizmi olmuştur. O, Mısır'da kökleşmiş olan Firavunların kuvveti üstün tutan anlayışlarına karşı Hz. Musa'nın vermiş olduğu mücadeleyi "hakkı üstün tutan" bir medeniyet olarak adlandırmıştır. Kur'an'da birçok yerde hayat hikâyesi anlatılan Hz. Musa kıssasını veciz bir temsil ile dile getirmiştir. İşte bu tebliğimizde Necmettin Erbakan'ın; Kur'an'da yer alan gerek Hz. Musa ve Firavun, gerekse Hz. İbrahim ve Nemrut yine Talut ile Calut arasında geçen hadiseleri temsili söylemiyle nasıl işlemiş olduğunu göreceğizen_US
dc.description.abstractWe will try to present the discourses of Necmettin Erbakan, whose Qur'anic discourse sare in every context, in the context of the Qur'anic Story. Many people came and passed through the historyscene. Some have been forgotten, some who have been known for a limited period of time have remained remembered for centuries. Here, Necmettin Erbakan in terms of his case, his life and struggle is a person who is mentioned a lot in himself in his life. In addition to her many distinctive features, his subtlety and depth draws attention to his. It is also important that Hodja, a school with it sown style, speaks of the Qur'anic tale. The philosophy that summarizes Erbakan as a right to life and a super stitious struggle is an idea inspired by the struggle of the prophets. Briefly in the Qur'an, it he prophets whose life stories are told reach the outcome of the struggle they have given, was the most importantin spiration of Necmettin Erbakan. It is the belief that the desire of people to live as well as tolive as well as health and happiness can only be turned in to blessings with jihad. As a matter of fact, it was a muslim descendant that wedid not drop the Qur'anic discourse of "For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in faith". It is against the understanding of the Pharaohs, who had rooted in Egypt, He called the struggle that Moses had given as a civilization that "held it right". There are many places in the Qur'an Hz. Moses spoke of shortness with a clear representation. We will see in this our text how is Necmettin Erbakan's statement; Both the Qur'an and Hz. Moses and Pharaoh, if not Hz. Abraham and Nemrut willaga in see how the procession between Talut and Calut was expressed by his expression. Erbakan Hodja, gave examples from Prophet of the Qur'an in the names of Hz. Adam, Hz. Abraham, the Prophet, Moses, Hz. Davud, Hz. Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad's their life storyout of the way to tell the case by giving examples of their briefs. Accordingto his statement, Allah sent theprophets against the atrocities and injustices in the history of mankind and called a whole humanity the right way. For example, against Nemrut's persecution, Hz. Abraham, against the injustice of Pharaoh, Hz. Moses was sent. Here is Necmettin Erbakan, who looks at the window of the Prophet from this stories. He describes the life story of Moses that many spoke out with a clear representation places in the Qur'an. He called the struggle that Moses had given as a civilization that "held it right" against the understanding of the Pharaohs, who took root in Egypt. Only not the Hz. Prophet Moses, but we see that other prophets talk about life their stories. Inparticular, Erbakan Hodja, has been symbolized as follows the epoch sopened by the prophets in the history of the civilizations. Hz. Abraham began the era of knowledge, and started the period when things to be believed were reasonable in the history of humanity. Hz. Moses provided the tenets of the legal age in the history of mankind by bringing ten command ments, which are the basic laws of law to which every man shouldad here. During the time of Hz. David, inter-country trade advanced and the economy began to falter. In the time the period of Hz. Jesus began of morality. With Hz. Muhammad, has been opened to the brink the period in which everything is arranged in the history of mankind.In this study, research and investigation methods were used. Necmettin Erbakan's aim was to reveal the discourse on the subject of the Qur'an. Especially his ideas about the prophets are revealed. We have observed that Erbakan has set out his ideas and political roadmap from the life of the Prophets. Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan's rhetoric shows the difference in each area. He has a reputation for being a good politician and a scholar. The Qur'an and the Sunnah are connected with heart, and the political morality is matured by passing through the strainer of these two sources. We can easily see this in his discourses and actions. He has a unique history of thought. According to Islam, human history is the first human being and the first prophet. It started with Adam. Erbakan teacher is one of those who believe this. In this respect, he is separated from the western philosophers. People who have ideas and currents that do not conform to the essence of Islam are called materialists and thinkers. Islamic scholars have also referred to people who are dependent on spiritual moral values. Therefore, we are witnessing a discourse in his discourses that we can call earthly and helpless. Or we can see a way of saying that it gives weight to materialistic and spiritual directions. The philosophy that summarized Necmettin Erbakan as life right and superstition struggle is an idea inspired by the struggle of the prophets. Necmettin Erbakan's most important inspiration was the fact that the prophets who described their life stories in the Qur'an reached out to the victory after the struggle they gave. The belief that the desire of people to live as well as to live as well as health and happiness can only be turned into blessings with jihad is dominant in itself. As a matter of fact, it is a Muslim descendant that we have never dropped the Qur'anic discourse of "victory in favor of believers and victory". Whether in political discourse or in all other discourses, Erbakan's emphasis on moral discourse is his clearest feature. His prophets have set an example for himself. The use of a spiritual language based on prophetic sources rather than a simple political discourse, and eventually conforming to religious principles, made his discourses more effective. This is also the greatest secret for large masses to follow. Erbakan Hodja, Prophet of the Qur'an in the names of Hz. Adam, Hz. Abraham, the Prophet. Moses, Hz. Davud, Hz. Jesus and the Prophet. Muhammad's life story out of the way to tell the case by giving examples of their briefs. According to his statement, he sent forth the prophets of Allah Almighty against the atrocities and injustices in the history of mankind and called a whole humanity the right way. For example, against Nemrut's persecution, Hz. Abraham, against the injustice of Pharaoh, Hz. Moses was sent. Here is Necmettin Erbakan, who looks at the window of the Prophet from this window. He describes the life story of many places in the Qur'an. Moses spoke out with a clear representation. Against the understanding of the Pharaohs, who took root in Egypt, He called the struggle that Moses had given as a civilization that "held it right". Only Hz. We see that not the Prophet Moses, but other prophets talk about life stories. In particular, Erbakan Hodja, the epochs opened by the prophets in the history of the civilizations, has been symbolized as follows. Hz. Jesus the history of humanity, Abraham began the era of knowledge, and started the period when things to be believed were reasonable. Hz. Moses provided the tenets of the legal age in the history of mankind by bringing ten commandments, which are the basic laws of law to which every man should adhere. Hz. During the time of David, inter-country trade advanced and the economy began to falter. Hz. In the time of Jesus, the period of morality began. Hz. With Muhammad, the period in which everything is arranged in the history of mankind has been opened to the brink. As a result, we can say that Necmettin Erbakan is a leader who develops discourse according to the situation of the interlocutor. It is seen more clearly in his discourse of the characteristic that affects the listeners while expressing his subjects in his own style. In this paper, which we presented, we have seen Erbakan Hodja expressed in the Context of the Quran in the best way with a discourse representing the life stories of the prophets.en_US
dc.titleNecmettin Erbakan'ın Kur'an Kıssaları Bağlamında Temsili Söylemien_US
dc.title.alternativeNecmettin Erbakan's Representation in the Context Of the Kur'an Storyen_US
dc.relation.ispartofTurkish Studies (Elektronik)en_US
dc.departmentFakülteler, İlahiyat Fakültesi, Temel İslam Bilimleri Bölümüen_US
dc.institutionauthorYüksel, Yakup

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