Şişman, Can BurakGezer, ErhanKocaman, İsrafil2022-05-112022-05-1120111310-0351https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11776/10072The objective of this research was to investigate physical, mechanical and thermal properties of concrete produced by using organic waste (rice husk). Concrete with a dosage of 300 was produced by adding various amounts of rice husk into the normal aggregate (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30%). The compressive strength and unit weight of the samples were determined after 7 and 28 days, and the water absorption rate, freezing-thawing resistance and thermal conductivity were determined after 28 days. According to the experimental results, the compressive strengths and unit weights of the concrete ranged between 17.6 and 37.5 MPa and between 1797 and 2268 kg/m(3), respectively. All concrete produced were resistant to freezing. The concrete water absorption rates were below 5.5%. In addition, thermal conductivities varied between 1.53 and 0.79 W/mK. In conclusion, rice husk had potential as a material to produce lightweight concrete when considering its strength, resistance and insulation properties, and to be used in agricultural buildingseninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessfarm buildingsconcretelightweight concreteorganic wastephysical and mechanical propertiesthermal propertiesAggregateEffects of Organic Waste (Rice Husk) on the Concrete Properties for Farm BuildingsArticle1714048Q4WOS:0002920170000052-s2.0-84856630164Q3