Vatandas, CelalettinVatandas, Saniye2024-10-292024-10-2920241304-29982667-6931 society that the Republic of T & uuml;rkiye inherited was a society whose demographic normality had been disrupted. This society formed the basis of all political, economic, and cultural change projects in the early Republican Era. During the first days of the Republic, the political, legal, economic, and cultural reforms that were believed would establish modern T & uuml;rkiye were implemented one after another, and special importance was given to population policy in accordance with the conditions of the day. Pronatalist and eugenic approaches constituted the characteristic feature of the population policy that had been put into practice without delay and whose details were created during the process. Hence, the endeavor was to construct a national family by encouraging marriage and having multiple children, with the prohibition of marriage for having few children even being mentioned during the process. In addition, special efforts were made to ensure that the current population would consist of healthy and physically strong individuals in accordance with the principle of a sound mind residing in a healthy body. By drawing on the written sources and documents of the period, this research aims to determine the characteristic features of the population policy carried out in the early Republican Era and the efforts and endeavors to construct the national familytr10.26650/SJ.2024.44.1.0010info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEarly Republican EraNational familyPronatalismPopulation policyDemographic structurePopulation Politics and Family in Türkiye's Early Republican EraArticle441257282N/AWOS:001321987900011