Yüksel, Ahmet NedimYüksel Türkboyları, Elif2022-05-112022-05-1120182618-575X2618-575Xhttps://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TXpNMk5qWTVPUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11776/5973Restrictions on pesticides used in greenhouses around the world have led investigators andemployees to take advantage of renewable energy sources in agriculture. In this study, solarpanels (photovoltaic battery) and their us in soil disinfection in greenhouses have been discussedas a use of renewable energy sources in agriculture. Soil disinfection can be done by placing theresistance wires with low electricity consumption (25 W m-1) and increasing the soil temperatureto the required levels by using the electricity obtained from the solar panels. Thus, soildisinfection can be achieved by increasing the soil temperature. With high temperatures theduration of soil disinfection can be shortened considerably. Solarization application made withtransparent plastic covering that is covered on greenhouse soil will also increase the success ofdisinfection. These practices are implemented in summer, when there is no production in thegreenhouse and the weather is hot. The use of solar panels in the autumn, winter and springmonths of production in the greenhouse will be for different purpose. The resulting electricalenergy can also provide the energy of the ventilators used for forced ventilation of thegreenhouse. It can also be used to meet the energy needs of some tools and equipment to be usedin the lighting of the greenhouse.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMimarlıkHücre ve Doku MühendisliğiBilgisayar BilimleriYapay ZekaBilgisayar BilimleriDonanım ve MimariBilgisayar BilimleriBilgi SistemleriBilgisayar BilimleriYazılım MühendisliğiBilgisayar BilimleriTeori ve Metotlarİnşaat ve Yapı TeknolojisiEnerji ve YakıtlarMühendislikHava ve UzayMühendislikBiyotıpMühendislikKimyaİnşaat MühendisliğiMühendislikElektrik ve ElektronikÇevre MühendisliğiMühendislikJeolojiEndüstri Mühendisliğiİmalat MühendisliğiMühendislikDenizMühendislikMakineMühendislikPetrolGıda Bilimi ve TeknolojisiJeolojiYeşilSürdürülebilir Bilim ve TeknolojiGörüntüleme Bilimi ve Fotoğraf TeknolojisiDenizcilikMalzeme BilimleriBiyomalzemelerMalzeme BilimleriÖzellik ve TestMalzeme BilimleriKaplamalar ve FilmlerMalzeme BilimleriKompozitlerMalzeme BilimleriTekstilMaden İşletme ve Cevher HazırlamaNanobilim ve NanoteknolojiRobotikTaşınım Bilimi ve TeknolojisiUse of solar panels in greenhouse soil disinfectionArticle22195199TXpNMk5qWTVPUT09