Doruk, Alpay2022-05-112022-05-112017978-1-5386-0930-9 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK) -- OCT 05-08, 2017 -- Antalya, TURKEYThis study was carried out within the scope of an undergraduate thesis. To produce an Arduino based two dimensional plotter mechanical parts were collected, assembled and targeted mechanism was created. After the integration of the stabilizers into the mechanism that was created and the project framework is revealed in a healthy way, the hardware structure is completed by adding the necessary electronic components (motor drivers, stepper motor, servo motor, etc.). After that, Arduino software was developed to enable the hardware to operate. At the last stage, the developed program was used to transfer the two-dimensional drawings converted to vectors into paper.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessArduinoTwo Dimensional (2D) PlotterTwo Dimensional Plotter With ArduinoArduino ile İki Boyutlu Çizici]Conference Object10641067N/AWOS:0004268569002012-s2.0-85040597654