Emir, SeyfiBali, İlhanSözen, SelimYazar, Fatih MehmetKanat, Burhan HakanGürdal, Sibel ÖzkanÖzkan, Zeynep2022-05-112022-05-1120132564-68502564-7032https://doi.org/10.5152/UCD.2013.2319https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11776/8130Objective: The aim of the study is to report our experience with fibrin glue application in the management of bleeding from the gallbladder bed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which could not be controlled by conventional methods. Material and Methods: Three hundred eighty-two patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Fourteen patients with bleeding from the gallbladder bed, which could not be controlled by conventional methods, were analyzed retrospectively. Results: Fibrin glue was used in 10 patients. Six (71%) were female and 4 were (29%) male. The mean age was 55.7 years. Fourteen patients were operated for the presence of symptomatic gallstones. Thirteen patients (92%) had a concomitant pathology. The mean time spent to maintain hemostasis was 23.9 minutes (15-35). Blood products were used in two patients with hemoglobin values under 8 mg/dL. Hemostasis could not be achieved in a patient despite fibrin glue application, and the operation was converted to open surgery. Conclusion: The application of fibrin glue for bleeding from the gallbladder bed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy can reduce conversion rates, further studies including more patients are required.en10.5152/UCD.2013.2319info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessLaparoscopic cholecystectomybleeding from gallbladder bedfibrin glueThe efficacy of fibrin glue to control hemorrhage from the gallbladder bed during laparoscopic cholecystectomyLaparoskopik kolesistektomi sirasinda safra kesesi yata?indan meydana gelen kanamalarda fibrin yapiştirici uygulamasinin etkinli?i]Article294158161N/AWOS:0004202086000022-s2.0-8489218417125931869N/A