Erdem, Duygu BoyrazYılmaz, Seyide2022-05-112022-05-1120171018-46191610-2304 objective of this study is to define whether the ash, which is formed after burning of lignite coal, can be used as soil regulator in agricultural lands and to determine its doses if it has applicable value. A randomized experimental design with three replications was used with two different soil textures, being clay and sandy loam, and four different ash dosages (0, 5, 15 and 20%) are taken into consideration. As a result, it is defined that coal ash within two different soil textures and having four different doses didn't form heavy metal pollution according to existing regulations in terms of Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Sn and Cu elements. However, 15 and 20% affected the increase in Cr amount while the amount applied as 20% affected increase of Ni and Cu values to sandy loam soil texture. More than 5% coal ash is not recommended as it increases heavy metals on soils. With the usage of coal ash, which is processed as waste material in agriculture; prevention of environmental pollution, savings in natural resources are expected.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessCoal ashsoil pollutionheavy metalsoil conditionerThe Effect of Coal Ash Practices on Heavy Metal Content in the SoilArticle261061216126Q4WOS:000413499500055