Abalı, RemziAlbayrak Kaya, SinemBozkurt, SerpilLeblebici, CemYurtsever, Çiğdem Yavuz2022-05-112022-05-112008978-88-7587-482-7https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11776/823921st European Congress of Perinatal Medicine -- SEP 10-13, 2008 -- Istanbul, TURKEYGoldston syndrome is a multisystemic disorder characterised by polycystic kidneys with Dandy Walker malformation. The aim of our study is to report this rare case. We diagnosed cleft palate, micrognatia, dilatation of the fourth ventricle, total agenesis of corpus callosum, multicystic kidneys, club foot by ultrasound in the 23(th) week of gestation. Based on the findings of neonatal autopsy, fetus is proposed to be diagnose as Goldston syndrome. The etiology of this kind of familial disorder remains unclear, but a genetic factor might be involved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDandy-Walker MalformationKidneysGoldston Syndrome; Diagnosis of Multiple Fetal AnomaliesaaaConference Object53+N/AWOS:000272171800010