Selvi, Murat SelimKayapınar, ÖzgürKasap, Beste BurcuPajo, Aykut2023-04-202023-04-2020222547-9601 research aims to develop an attitude scale towards preferences of Local Fast- Food (LFF) restaurants. 705 valid questionnaires were used randomly divided into two. At first, Parallel Analysis test and Explanatory Factor Analysis (EFA) were applied to the primary data set (n1=350). 11 items with communalities values less than 0.50 and without factor load were ejected from the scale. The remaining 10 items in the scale were grouped under four factors. The number of dimensions was investigated with the Parallel Analysis method, and the number of dimensions was verified by testing with EFA. These dimensions are “menu”, “service”, “locality” and “portion”. Secondly, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied to the secondary data set (n2=355). Because the t value of the variables is greater than ±1.96, it was determined that all factors are explained by the relevant variables. Finally, as for that, to determine the measurement invariance, the models were compared by performing configural, metric-weak, scale, solid, and partial invariance analysis with CFA. Negative items should be reverse coded in the analysis. It can be stated that the factorization of these 10 statements ensures reliability and validity and can be used in future research.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessLocal fast-foodrestaurant choicescale developmentconsumer attitudesA SCALE DEVELOPMENT STUDY FOR PREFERENCES OF LOCAL FAST-FOOD RESTAURANTArticle1538038341126882