Aydın, BaşakÖzkan, ErolHurma, HarunAktaş, ErkanAzabağaoğlu, Mecit Ömer2022-05-112022-05-1120181308-75761308-7584https://app.trdizin.gov.tr/makale/TXpJME16QTVPUT09https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11776/9928In this study, the considerations of the farmers who were affiliated to the organizations undertakingthe irrigation administration in Edirne, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ and Çanakkale provinces about irrigationorganizations were analyzed. Within the scope of the study, surveys were conducted in 70 irrigation cooperatives,67 municipality and legal entities, 7 irrigation unions and 1 DSI irrigation organization. Total of 567, 113, 227and 7 surveys were conducted in the irrigation facilities administrated by irrigation cooperatives, irrigationunions, municipality and legal entities and DSI, respectively. Total of 301 surveys in 74 villages of 9 districts inEdirne, 168 surveys in 43 villages of 5 districts in Tekirdağ, 156 surveys in 36 villages of 4 districts in Kırklareliand 289 surveys in 69 villages of 11 districts in Çanakkale were conducted. The conclusions of the farmers wereevaluated by using five point likert scale. It was determined that the irrigation organizations did not notice thetraining of the farmers, did not include these trainings in their working schedules and similarly, they did notconduct studies aimed at the conscious and balanced use of the agricultural inputs. Factor analysis was used forthe evaluation of the considerations of the farmers about irrigation organizations. KMO and Barlett test statisticswas used in order to examine the convenience of the considerations to factor analysis and KMO value was foundas 0.891. According to factor analysis results, 13 variables were gathered in three factor groups named as“Administration”, “Ownership and Service” and “Consciousness Raising”.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTarımsal Ekonomi ve PolitikaZiraat MühendisliğiBahçe BitkileriBitki BilimleriZiraatToprak BilimiBalıkçılıkSu KaynaklarıGıda Bilimi ve TeknolojisiDetermination of the Considerations of the Farmers about Irrigation Organizations by Factor AnalysisArticle2852430TXpJME16QTVPUT09