Sezgintürk, Mustafa KemalDinçkaya, Erhan2022-05-112022-05-1120111073-1199 this paper, a new viewpoint on the activity determination of beta-galactosidase is reported. Glucose oxidase was directly immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode and mediated by ferrocene. The biosensor's performance was based on mediated electron transfer by ferrocene, which reduced via glucose oxidase reaction. In this reaction, substrate of glucose oxidase, glucose was provided by the activity of beta-galactosidase in the sample. The parameters of the fabrication process for the electrode were optimized. Experimental conditions influencing the biosensor performance, such as pH, ferrocene and lactose concentrations, and temperature, were investigated and assessed. Finally, the biosensor was successfully applied to determination of beta-galactosidase activity of artificial intestinal juice.en10.3109/10731199.2011.559644info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessbeta-galactosidasebiosensorglucose oxidaseferroceneenzyme activity determinationPerformance Liquid-ChromatographyLysosomal Storage DisordersEscherichia-ColiIn-VivoGm1DegradationMicroassayProteinWaterBeta-galactosidase Determination by an Electrochemical Biosensor Mediated with FerroceneArticle395267273Q3WOS:0002947403000012-s2.0-8005269257621338333N/A