Ateş, Ertan2022-05-112022-05-1120170378-78182477-9407 aim of this investigation was to determine the total green fodder yield, total dry matter yield, botanical composition, ground cover index of vegetation, vegetation height, crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) contents and tetany ratios of anthropogenic pasture on north and southfacing slopes under two grazing treatments (free grazing and ungrazed). Slope aspect, grazing treatments and slope aspect x treatments interactions did affect botanical composition. The highest ground cover index of vegetation (89.7%), vegetation height (61.2 cm), total green fodder yield (2.889 t . ha(-1) year(-1)) and dry matter yield (1.031 t .ha(-1) . year(-1)) values were found on north-facing slope, ungrazed. South-facing slope showed the highest CP (110.2-113.7 g . kg(-1)), NDF (47.1-48.4%), ADF (36.5-36.8%), Ca (1.94-1.97%) and P (0.37-0.38%), contents under the free grazing and ungrazed treatments, whereas tetany ratio (0.83-0.85), had its lowest values on these same site. Mg ratio (0.27-0.32%) was unaffected by grazing treatments and slope aspect.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessbotanical compositionforage traitsgrazingpastureslope aspectHill-Country PastureRangelandFertilizationPerformanceGrasslandsIntensityNitrogenQualityPlantsManureSlope aspect has effects on vegetation and forage traits of anthropogenic pasture under two grazing treatmentsEfeito de aspectos da inclinação, vegetação e pastos antropogênicas em dois tratamentos de pastagemEfecto de aspectos de la pendiente, la vegetación y pastos antropogénicos en dos tratamientos de pastoreoArticle342236252Q4WOS:0003992804000062-s2.0-85017530873Q4