Karaarslan, NumanGürbüz, Mehmet SabriÇalışkan, TezcanAyan, ErdoğanVardar Aker, FugenBerkman, Mehmet Zafer2022-05-112022-05-1120161019-5149https://doi.org/10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.12807-14.1https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11776/8089AIM: To analyse the effect of MMP-3 (Matrix Metalloproteinase Enzyme-3)-one of the extracellular matrix proteins-on the prognosis and biological behaviour of meningiomas. MATERIAL and METHODS: 79 cases of meningioma that were operated in our clinic between 2005 and 2010 were retrospectively analysed. Age, sex, preoperative peritumoral edema, histological subtype, grade, Ki-67 expression, MMP-3 staining pattern and recurrence rate were analysed. Pathological preparations were graded according to the WHO (World Health Organisation) 2007 grading system. RESULTS: Of the MMP-III positive cases; 24 cases (60%) were grade I, 16 cases were grade II. The MMP-3 staining pattern was significantly positive (80%) in grade II meningioma. 14 of the MMP-3 positive cases were atypical meningiomas. Of the 20 cases with high Ki-67 proliferation index (PI), 12 cases (60%) were MMP-3 positive and 8 cases (40%) were MMP-3 negative. Rates of recurrence and preoperative peritumoral edema were high in cases with MMP-3 positivity. CONCLUSION: In this study it was determined that MMP-3 positivity has a strong relationship with meningiomas having an aggressive character. MMP-3 may be used as a proliferation marker for biological behaviour, recurrence rate and prognosis of meningiomas.en10.5137/1019-5149.JTN.12807-14.1info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessGradeKi-67 Proliferation indexMatrix Metalloproteinase-3MeningiomaExpressionApoptosisKi-67AngiogenesisRecurrenceTargetRolesMmp-9The Effect of Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 on the Prognosis and Biological Behaviour of MeningiomasArticle265678683Q4WOS:0003853386000042-s2.0-8501707810027438616Q3