Öztürk, OzanŞen, Canan2023-04-202023-04-2020221302-70502146-5894https://doi.org/10.33462/jotaf.997416https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11776/10973This research was planned to present the effect of subsurface drip irrigation system on the yield and quality parameters of alfalfa of alone and mixture planted form in order to close the roughage deficit in the limited irrigable agricultural lands to the regional producer in Kirklareli conditions. The field experiment was carried out in a total of 24 plots with four replications in 2019 and 2020 according to the Factorial Arranged Random Blocks Trial Design on the land of Kirklareli Ataturk Soil Water and Agricultural Meteorology Research Institute. Two planting methods from alone planting (clover) and mixed planting consisting of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.), perennial grass (Lolium perenne L.) and smooth brome (Bromus inermis L.) were used in the study. The ratios of the plants in the mixtures were determined as 25% for legume and 75% for poaceae. As the irrigation method, precipitation-based conditions, drip irrigation laterals placed at a depth of 20 cm in the soil and a subsurface drip irrigation system using drip irrigation laterals placed at a depth of 40 cm were preferred. In the research, the highest green grass yield (11.031,19 kg da(-1)) and the highest hay yield (1,880.51 kg da(-1)) was obtained from irrigated alone planting with laterals placed at a depth of 40 cm. In mixed planting, the highest yield of green (10.166,32 kg da(-1)) and hay was obtained in the plots irrigated with laterals placed at a depth of 20 cm. In both planting forms, the lowest yield was obtained from the treatments based on precipitation. According to the data obtained; Considering the green grass and hay yields, crude protein, crude cellulose, ADF, NDF and raw ash ratios in planted alone alfalfa plots; Irrigation with laterals placed at a depth of 40 cm in the soil, and irrigation with laterals placed at a depth of 20 cm in mixed planting can be recommended.tr10.33462/jotaf.997416info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAlfalfaSubsurface Drip IrrigationForage MixHay QualityLegumePoaceaeNutrient ContentsThe Effect of Different Drip Irrigation Lateral Depth on the Efficiency and Quality Parameters of Alone and Mixture Planted Alfalfa in Kirklareli ConditionsArticle192380389N/AWOS:0008134679000142-s2.0-851313486231152650Q3