Şişman, Can Burak2022-05-112022-05-11200190-74134-94-7https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11776/968629th Congress of CIOSTA-CIGR V -- JUN 25-27, 2001 -- KRAKOW, POLANDThe present situation 15 barns in 6 villages of Tekirdag region was investigated and their problems were evaluated. As a result of these investigation 65 % of these bams were found to be carcass structure, having no heat insulation. Although the dimension of stalls were planned properly, pens such as pregnant and sick cattle and calf rooms were not even considered. The other problems faced in the bams under investigation was insufficient aeration. Generally doors and windows are used as fresh air entrence in bams and cross-section area of air out holes were usually under capacity. In conclusion, enviromental conditions in the bams were not provided. Therefore production has been reduced. To increase the productivity to the desired capacity, bams should be planned considering insulation and ventilation systems together to create required heat and moisture balance.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessbarnsfarm structureenviromental conditionsCondition of barns in Tekirdag regionConference Object269272N/AWOS:000183079300041