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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
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Bağımlılık bir maddeyi kullanmak ya da bir davranış şeklini tekrarlamak ve bunu vazgeçilemez bir alışkanlık haline getirme durumudur. Bağımlılık iradesine hâkim olamayan arzu ve isteklerinin esiri olan kişiliklerin ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmaktadır. Geçmişten günümüze bağımlılık türleri ve bağımlı kişi sayısı giderek artmış ve bugün neredeyse içinden çıkılmaz bir boyuta gelmiştir. Geçmişte içki, kumar ve uyuşturucu bağımlılığı toplumsal bir sorun iken bugün bu sorunlara gelişen teknolojiye bağlı olarak internet bağımlılığı da eklenmiştir. İletişim teknolojilerindeki gelişmelerin bir sonucu olarak hayatımıza giren internet; insanların ihtiyaç duyduğu her türlü bilgiye ulaşmalarına, eğlenceli ve hoşça vakit geçirmelerine ve uzak mekânlarda da olsa sevdikleriyle iletişim kurmalarına imkân tanıyan faydalı bir kitle iletişim aracıdır. Ancak internet getirdiği bu kolaylıkların yanında, kontrolsüz ve aşırı kullanımından kaynaklanan bazı önemli sorunlara da yol açmaktadır. Bu sorunlardan en önemlisi internet bağımlılığıdır. Özellikle genç ve çocuklar için bu sorun daha bir önem arz etmektedir. Her cins ve yaştan insanda bu sorunlar görülse de genç ve çocuklarda bu sorunlara daha çok rastlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada internet bağımlılığı bir anket çalışması ile araştırılmıştır. Anket çalışmasının araştırma evreni Sakarya ilindeki internet kullanıcıları olup genel olarak genç kesimden (15-40 yaş aralığı) oluşan 363 kişi üzerinde yüz yüze görüşme tekniği ile Mart-Nisan 2018 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örnekleme tekniği olarak basit tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi benimsenmiş ancak gönüllü katılım esasına göre örneklem oluşturulmuştur. Eksik ve özensiz doldurulmuş 8 anket araştırma kapsamından çıkarılarak 355 anketten elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada internet kullanıcıları ile yapılan anketin istatistik bir değerlendirmesi yapılmış olup anketin genel teması internet bağımlılığı olarak belirlenmiştir.
Addiction is the use of a substance or a repetition of behavior and making it an indispensable habit. Addiction leads to the emergence of personalities that can not dominate the will and desires of their desires. From past to today, the types of addictions and the number of addicted people has increased steadily, and today it has become almost inextricable. Drinking, gambling, and drug addiction in the past have been a social problem, but internet addiction has also been added to these problems due to technological developments. Internet as a result of the developments in communication technologies, It is a useful mass communication tool that allows people to access all kinds of information they need, entertain and have a good time themselves, and to communicate with loved ones even in remote places. However, besides these advantages brought about by the internet, it also leads to some important problems caused by uncontrolled and excessive usage. The most important of these problems is internet addiction. This problem is especially important for young people and children. Although these problems are seen in all types of people and their age, these problems are more common in young and children. In this study, internet addiction was researched with a survey study. The research population of the survey was conducted in March-April 2018 by using face-to-face interviews on 363 people, generally young people (15-40 age range). A simple random sampling method was adopted as the sampling technique, but the sample was prepared on the basis of voluntary participation. Eight missing and careless filled questionnaires were excluded from the study and the data from 355 questionnaires were analyzed. In this study, a statistical evaluation of the questionnaire was made with internet users and the general theme of the survey was determined as internet addiction.
Addiction is the use of a substance or a repetition of behavior and making it an indispensable habit. Addiction leads to the emergence of personalities that can not dominate the will and desires of their desires. From past to today, the types of addictions and the number of addicted people has increased steadily, and today it has become almost inextricable. Drinking, gambling, and drug addiction in the past have been a social problem, but internet addiction has also been added to these problems due to technological developments. Internet as a result of the developments in communication technologies, It is a useful mass communication tool that allows people to access all kinds of information they need, entertain and have a good time themselves, and to communicate with loved ones even in remote places. However, besides these advantages brought about by the internet, it also leads to some important problems caused by uncontrolled and excessive usage. The most important of these problems is internet addiction. This problem is especially important for young people and children. Although these problems are seen in all types of people and their age, these problems are more common in young and children. In this study, internet addiction was researched with a survey study. The research population of the survey was conducted in March-April 2018 by using face-to-face interviews on 363 people, generally young people (15-40 age range). A simple random sampling method was adopted as the sampling technique, but the sample was prepared on the basis of voluntary participation. Eight missing and careless filled questionnaires were excluded from the study and the data from 355 questionnaires were analyzed. In this study, a statistical evaluation of the questionnaire was made with internet users and the general theme of the survey was determined as internet addiction.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Teknoloji, İnternet Bağımlılığı, İstatistik Analiz, Internet Addiction, Statistical Analysis, Technology
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