Malkaralı Şair Nev‘Î’nin Manzum Kırk Hadis Tercümesinin Neşri Ve Tahlili
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Resûl-i Ekrem’e duyulan muhabbet birçok edebi ürünün ortaya çıkma-sına sebeb olmuştur. Bunlardan birisi de kırk hadis yazma geleneğidir. On altıncı yüzyıl Osmanlı edîb ve müderrislerinden olan Nev‘î, İslâmî ilimler ve edebiyat alanlarında çok sayıda eser vermiştir. Bu çalışmalardan birisi de onun kırk hadisi manzum olarak tercüme ettiği eseridir. Bu makalede Nev‘î’nin manzum kırk hadisi neşredilmiş ve muhtevası hakkında bilgi ve-rilmeye çalışılmıştır. Dört temel başlık altında hazırlanan eserdeki hadislerin çoğu ahlâk muhtevalı rivayetlerden oluşmaktadır. Bununla birlikte dördüncü başlık altında farklı konuları içeren rivayetler de bulunmaktadır. Eserde yer verilen hadislerin tercümeleri ve geçtiği klasik kaynaklar tablo halinde göste-rilmiştir. Ayrıca müellif ve eserleri hakkında daha önceki çalışmalarda eksik kalan bazı konulara değinilmiş ve yanlış ifade edilen hususlar tashih edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Love and affection for the Prophet (pbuh) has contributed to the emer-gence of many literary works. One example of that is the tradition of writing forty hadiths. Naw’i, who was one of the Ottoman scholars and mudarrises of 16th century, published various works in the field of Islamic sciences and lite-rature. One of his works is a poetic translation of the forty hadiths. In this ar-ticle, these hadiths are published and information is given about their content. Most of the hadiths, which are presented within four main parts in the book, involve narrations about morality. However, in the forth part, there are also narratives including different topics. Translations of the hadiths in the work and their classical sources are presented in a table. In addition, some issues that have been lacking in previous studies about the author and his works have been addressed and some misstatements are attempted to be corrected.
Love and affection for the Prophet (pbuh) has contributed to the emer-gence of many literary works. One example of that is the tradition of writing forty hadiths. Naw’i, who was one of the Ottoman scholars and mudarrises of 16th century, published various works in the field of Islamic sciences and lite-rature. One of his works is a poetic translation of the forty hadiths. In this ar-ticle, these hadiths are published and information is given about their content. Most of the hadiths, which are presented within four main parts in the book, involve narrations about morality. However, in the forth part, there are also narratives including different topics. Translations of the hadiths in the work and their classical sources are presented in a table. In addition, some issues that have been lacking in previous studies about the author and his works have been addressed and some misstatements are attempted to be corrected.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kırk Hadis, Osmanlı, Manzum Tercüme, Şair Nev‘î, Hadith, Forty Hadith, Ottoman, Poetic Translation, Poet Naw‘î, Hadis
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