Ortalama eğrilik tipi denklemleri sağlayan alt manifoldlar
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Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Diferensiyel geometride, sabit ortalama eğrilikli yüzeyler, ``aynı hacme sahip tüm kompakt yüzeyler arasında, en küçük alana sahip yüzeylerin bulunması'' olarak tanımlı olan izoperimetrik problemin çözümüdür. Minimal yüzeyler için benzer problem ``aynı sınıra sahip tüm yüzeyler arasında en küçük alana sahip olanların karakterize edilmesi'' şeklindedir. Bu çalışmada ortalama eğrilik tipinde bir denklem olan singüler minimal yüzey denklemini sağlayan yüzeyler ele alındı. Bu tür yüzeyler, bilinen minimal yüzeyleri genelleştirirler ve potansiyel $\alpha$-enerji adı verilen varyasyonel bir integralin kritik noktalarıdırlar. Diğer bir ifadeyle, potansiyel $\alpha$-enerjiyi minimize ederler ve en düşük yerçekim merkezine sahip olan yüzey modellerini oluştururlar. Bu nedenle fizik ve mimaride büyük bir öneme sahiptirler. Ayrıca, yerçekim kuvveti etkisi altında potansiyel enerjiyi minimize eden katenerlerin, 2 ve daha yüksek boyutlardaki benzerlerini karakterize ederler. Buna göre bu çalışmada ele alınan başlıca problemler: $(n+1)-$boyutlu Öklid uzayında singüler minimal öteleme hiperyüzeylerin sınıflandırılması, belirli yarı--simetrik metrik (sırasıyla, metrik olmayan) konneksiyonlara sahip singüler minimal yüzeylerin sınıflandırılması ve $3-$boyutlu Öklid ve Lorentz--Minkowski uzaylarında belirli yarı--simetrik metrik (sırasıyla, metrik olmayan) konneksiyonlara sahip minimal olan singüler minimal yüzeylerin sınıflandırılması şeklinde ifade edilebilir. Bu problemlerin çözümleriyle, bu yüzeyler sınıfına ait yeni yüzey örneklerini literatüre kazandırmak bu tez çalışmasının temel amacıdır.
In differential geometry, the surfaces with constant mean curvature are the solutions to the isoperimetric problem defined as ``finding those with the smallest area among all compact surfaces with the same volume''. A similar problem for minimal surfaces is ``to characterize those with the smallest area of all surfaces with the same boundary''. In this study, we consider the surfaces that satisfy the singular minimal surface equation, which is an equation of mean curvature type. Such surfaces generalize the minimal surfaces and are critical points of a variational integral called potential $\alpha-$energy. In other words, they minimize the potential $\alpha-$energy and create surface models with the lowest center of gravity. For this reason, they have a great importance in physics and architecture. They also characterize two and higher dimensional analogues of catenary that minimize the potential energy under the influence of gravity. Accordingly, the main problems we deal with in this study are: classification of singular minimal translation hypersurfaces in $(n+1)$-dimensional Euclidean space, classification of singular minimal surfaces with certain semi-symmetric metric (respectively, non-metric) connections and classification of singular minimal surfaces that are minimal with symmetric metric (respectively, non-metric) connections in $3-$dimensional Euclidean and Lorentz--Minkowski spaces. The main purpose of our thesis is to bring new surface samples belonging to this class of surfaces to the literature with the solutions of these problems.
In differential geometry, the surfaces with constant mean curvature are the solutions to the isoperimetric problem defined as ``finding those with the smallest area among all compact surfaces with the same volume''. A similar problem for minimal surfaces is ``to characterize those with the smallest area of all surfaces with the same boundary''. In this study, we consider the surfaces that satisfy the singular minimal surface equation, which is an equation of mean curvature type. Such surfaces generalize the minimal surfaces and are critical points of a variational integral called potential $\alpha-$energy. In other words, they minimize the potential $\alpha-$energy and create surface models with the lowest center of gravity. For this reason, they have a great importance in physics and architecture. They also characterize two and higher dimensional analogues of catenary that minimize the potential energy under the influence of gravity. Accordingly, the main problems we deal with in this study are: classification of singular minimal translation hypersurfaces in $(n+1)$-dimensional Euclidean space, classification of singular minimal surfaces with certain semi-symmetric metric (respectively, non-metric) connections and classification of singular minimal surfaces that are minimal with symmetric metric (respectively, non-metric) connections in $3-$dimensional Euclidean and Lorentz--Minkowski spaces. The main purpose of our thesis is to bring new surface samples belonging to this class of surfaces to the literature with the solutions of these problems.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Matematik, Mathematics, Diferensiyel geometri, Differential geometry, Lorentz geometrisi, Lorentz geometry, Yüzey geometrisi, Surface geometry, Öklidyen geometrisi, Euclidean geometry