Yönetim muhasebesi açısından muhasebe paket programlarının karşılaştırmaları üzerine bir çalışma
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Gücün bilgiyle sağlandığı günümüzde, firmalar her geçen gün karmaşık hale gelen pazar içinde hayatlarına devam edebilmeleri için, bilgisayarlar ve bunun yanında diğer bilgi teknolojisi araçlarından yararlanmaktadır. Karmaşık işleri, bilgisayarlara yüklemek, firmalar için oldukça kullanışlıdır. Bilgisayarlar da bu görevi en iyi biçimde yerine getirmişler ve piyasada özellikle muhasebe alanında süratle yayılmışlardır. Muhasebe verileri, küçük ölçekli bir firma için bile çok sayıdadır ve sürekli olarak izlenmeyi gerektirmektedir. Türkiye’de bilgisayarlı muhasebe sisteminin giderek artan önemi karşısında firmalar da, muhasebe bilgilerinin sistematik olarak bilgisayara aktarılmasını sağlayan muhasebe paket programlarının kullanımına yönelmişlerdir. Muhasebe paket programları, firma verilerinin muhasebe fişlerine kaydedilmesini sağlayan ve sınıflamasını, özetlenmesini, raporlama ve analiz kapsamında muhasebeciye ve yöneticiye kolaylıklar sunan programlardır. İlk zamanlar muhasebe modülüyle sınırlı tutulan muhasebe paket programları günümüzde artık finansman, satın alma, personel, üretim vb. modülleri de kapsamaktadır. Firmalar ve özellikle yöneticiler verecekleri çoğu kararda doğru ve istediği an ulaşabilecekleri bilgilere gereksinim duymaktadırlar. Bunun için yönetimin gereksinim duyduğu bilgilerin çoğu firmaların mali verilerinin toplandığı muhasebe paket programlarından sağlanmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı da muhasebe paket programlarından elde edilecek raporları belirlemektir. Yapılan araştırmalar ile firmaların mevcut sistemlerinde kullandıkları muhasebe paket programların yönetim muhasebesi açısından raporlarının ve analizlerinin karşılaştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bunun sonucunda, elde edilebilecek bilgilerin her paket programda birbirinden oldukça farklı raporlama seçeneklerinin mevcut olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
In these days in which the power is gained through information, companies rely on the computers and other information technology devices in order to survive in the market which becomes complicated every other day. It is very practical for the companies to task the computers significantly with a lot of complicated work. Computers have carried out such tasks in the best way and have spread quickly in the market, especially in accounting. Accounting data is in great numbers even in a small company and requires constant monitoring. Companies have turned towards using accounting package software enabling the systematic transfer of accounting information to the computer in the face of increasing importance of the computerized accounting in Turkey. Accounting package software helps company data to be recorded into accounting receipts and offers convenience to the accountant and manager in classification, reporting and analysis. Accounting package software which are kept restricted to accounting module only in the earlier stages, covers now financing, procuring, personnel, production etc. modules, as well. Companies and especially the managers require information which are correct and which are accessible at will in most decisions to be taken. Due to this reason, most of the information required by the management is obtained from the accounting package software in which financial data of the companies are collected. The aim of our study is to determine the reports to be obtained from accounting package software. With the conducted researches, a comparison attempt has been made, in terms of management accounting, between reports and analyses of accounting package software which is used by the companies. As a result of this, it has been determined that the information to be gained have a lot of different reporting options in each package software.
In these days in which the power is gained through information, companies rely on the computers and other information technology devices in order to survive in the market which becomes complicated every other day. It is very practical for the companies to task the computers significantly with a lot of complicated work. Computers have carried out such tasks in the best way and have spread quickly in the market, especially in accounting. Accounting data is in great numbers even in a small company and requires constant monitoring. Companies have turned towards using accounting package software enabling the systematic transfer of accounting information to the computer in the face of increasing importance of the computerized accounting in Turkey. Accounting package software helps company data to be recorded into accounting receipts and offers convenience to the accountant and manager in classification, reporting and analysis. Accounting package software which are kept restricted to accounting module only in the earlier stages, covers now financing, procuring, personnel, production etc. modules, as well. Companies and especially the managers require information which are correct and which are accessible at will in most decisions to be taken. Due to this reason, most of the information required by the management is obtained from the accounting package software in which financial data of the companies are collected. The aim of our study is to determine the reports to be obtained from accounting package software. With the conducted researches, a comparison attempt has been made, in terms of management accounting, between reports and analyses of accounting package software which is used by the companies. As a result of this, it has been determined that the information to be gained have a lot of different reporting options in each package software.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Muhasebe, yönetim muhasebesi, rapor, muhasebe programı, Accounting, management accounting, report, accounting software