Süt sağım sistemlerinde değişken devirli vakum pompasının süt sağım sistemlerinde vakum pompasının kullanılması ile elde edilen kazanımların belirlenmesi
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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Hayvansal üretimde yüksek verimli ve kaliteli ürün yetiştirmek ana amaç olurken bir taraftan da girdi maliyetleri minimize etmek gerekmektedir. Önemli girdi maliyetlerinden birisi de enerjidir. En yoğun enerjinin kullanıldığı hayvansal üretim alanı ise süt hayvancılığıdır. Bu çalışmada süt sağım sistemi vakum pompasının elektrik motoruna invertör takılmış ve böylece vakum pompasına değişken devir özelliği kazandırılmıştır. Vakum pompası değişken devir öncesi ve sonrası ölçülen ve hesaplanan parametrelerle elde edilen kazanımlar tespit edilmiştir. Denemeler Lüleburgaz, Kırklareli’de bulunan bir süt sığırcılığı işletmesinde sürdürülmüştür. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar şu şekildedir: Değişken devir öncesi 88,616 kWh/gün olan ortalama günlük elektrik enerjisi tüketimi değişken devir sonrası 55,816 kWh/gün’e düşmüştür. Her iki dönem arasında yapılan tasarruf 32,800 kWh/gün ve tasarruf oranı %37,014 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Değişken devirli vakum pompası devreye alınmadan önce sağılan birim süt miktarına ilişkin spesifik enerji tüketimi; (SETs), 14,192 kWh/ton, iken devreye alındıktan sonra 8,597 kWh/ton’a düşmüştür. İşletmede bir yılda birim sağmal ineğe ilişkin spesifik enerji tüketimi (SETi) de; 161,724 kWh/inek-yıl’dan 101,864 kWh/inek-yıl’a düşmüştür. İnvertör ve vakum basın algılayıcı için yatırımın geri dönüş süresi (ROİ) 1,18 yıl bulunmuştur. Değişken devir öncesi vakum pompası yanında 90,3 dB, süt odasında 81,2 dB ve sağımhanede 87,3 dB olan gürültü değerleri, değişken devir sonrası sırasıyla 79,8 dB, 78,1 dB ve 69,3 dB’e olarak ölçülmüştür. Vakum pompası tarafından ortalama günlük harcanan yağ miktarları değişken devir öncesi 96 ml/gün ve değişken devir sonrası 62 ml/gün olarak ölçülmüştür. Bu çalışmada elde edilen sonuçların paylaşımıyla oldukça sınırlı düzeyde kullanımı olan değişken devirli vakum pompasının yaygınlaşması sağlanacaktır.
The main purpose of livestock production is to achieve high yield and quality product. On the other hand, to minimize production cost is to be necessary. One of the main production cost is energy. Among the livestock productions, the most intensive energy consuming is taken place in dairy farms. By means of providing variable speed vacuum pump, an inverter was installed at the electric motor of vacuum pump in this study. Due to obtaining saving parameters, the trials were done before and after variable speed vacuum pump. The research was held in a dairy farm that is located in Luleburgaz, Kırklareli. Following are the results of the study: Before the variable speed vacuum pump daily electric energy consuming was 88,616 kWh/day and the after it was reduced to 55,816 kWh/day. The saving was 32,800 kWh/day and the percentage of saving was 37,014%. Before the variable speed vacuum pump specific energy consuming based on amount of harvested milk (SETs) was found as 14,192 kWh/ton and the after it was found to be 8,597 kWh/ton. At the same stages, specific energy consuming based on per cow that milk in a year (SETi) was 161,724 kWh/cow-year and 101,864 kWh/cow-year respectively. The return of investment (ROI) was calculated as 1,18 year for the investment of the invertor and the vacuum pressure sensor. Noise level values before the variable speed vacuum pump were; 90,3 dB nearby the vacuum pump, 81,2 dB in milk room and 87,3 dB at milking parlor. And the after values at the places were found to be 79,8 dB, 78,1 dB and 69,3 dB respectively. Before variable speed vacuum pump oil consumption of vacuum pump was 96 ml/day and the after this was measured with 62 ml/day. Variable speed vacuum pumps which have been already using in farms are very limited numbers. Hopefully, by sharing this results farms will be willed to use the system.
The main purpose of livestock production is to achieve high yield and quality product. On the other hand, to minimize production cost is to be necessary. One of the main production cost is energy. Among the livestock productions, the most intensive energy consuming is taken place in dairy farms. By means of providing variable speed vacuum pump, an inverter was installed at the electric motor of vacuum pump in this study. Due to obtaining saving parameters, the trials were done before and after variable speed vacuum pump. The research was held in a dairy farm that is located in Luleburgaz, Kırklareli. Following are the results of the study: Before the variable speed vacuum pump daily electric energy consuming was 88,616 kWh/day and the after it was reduced to 55,816 kWh/day. The saving was 32,800 kWh/day and the percentage of saving was 37,014%. Before the variable speed vacuum pump specific energy consuming based on amount of harvested milk (SETs) was found as 14,192 kWh/ton and the after it was found to be 8,597 kWh/ton. At the same stages, specific energy consuming based on per cow that milk in a year (SETi) was 161,724 kWh/cow-year and 101,864 kWh/cow-year respectively. The return of investment (ROI) was calculated as 1,18 year for the investment of the invertor and the vacuum pressure sensor. Noise level values before the variable speed vacuum pump were; 90,3 dB nearby the vacuum pump, 81,2 dB in milk room and 87,3 dB at milking parlor. And the after values at the places were found to be 79,8 dB, 78,1 dB and 69,3 dB respectively. Before variable speed vacuum pump oil consumption of vacuum pump was 96 ml/day and the after this was measured with 62 ml/day. Variable speed vacuum pumps which have been already using in farms are very limited numbers. Hopefully, by sharing this results farms will be willed to use the system.
Anahtar Kelimeler
vakum pompası, değişken devir, enerji verimliliği, süt hayvancılığı, vacuum pump, variable speed, energy efficiency, dairy farm