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Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bilginin üretimin temel unsuru haline gelişi, bilişsel kapitalizm içerisinde emeğin konumunu değiştirmiştir. Artık üretimde maddi olmayan yeni bir emek biçiminden yani dijital emekten söz edilmektedir. Nüfusun yaşam koşullarını iyileştirerek onu denetlemeyi amaçlayan bir iktidar tipi olan biyoiktidar, her alanda olduğu gibi üretim alanında da biyopolitikalar gerçekleştirmiş, dijital emeğin kuşatılması, denetlenmesi ve gözetlenmesi için ortaya dijital emeğin biyopolitikası çıkmıştır. Bu kuşatmadan kurtulmak için meydana gelen kaçış ve direniş odakları ise heterotopya ve mikropolitika olarak adlandırılmışlardır. Temel amacı biyopolitikaya maruz kalan dijital emekte heterotopya ve mikropolitikanın var olma potansiyelinin araştırılması olan makalede, literatür taraması yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda iktidar ve sermayenin yeni enstrümanları olarak görülebilecek bilgisayar, cep telefonu ve uydu teknolojileri gibi yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin dijital emekte heterotopya ve mikropolitika oluşturma potansiyellerini neredeyse tamamen yok ettiği görülmüştür.
The development of new communication technologies and their adaptation to production relations through the mode of production has led to the emergence of cognitive capitalism. The fact that knowledge has become the primary element of production has changed the position of labor in cognitive capitalism. Now, digital labor is mentioned as a new form of non-material labor in production. The biopower, a type of power aimed at surveilling population by improving the living conditions, has implemented biopolitics in the field of production as it is in every area. Relatedly, biopolitics of digital labor has emerged in order to encircle, supervise and surveil digital labor. The center of escape and resistance that came to the rescue from this siege are called heterotopia and micropolitics. Literature search method has been used in the article aims to investigate the potential of the existence of heterotopia and micropolitics in digital labor which exposed to biopolitics. Results of the literature search indicated that new communication technologies as computer, mobile phone and satelite technologies, which also can be seen as the new instruments of the government and capital, almost completely destroy the potentials of heterotopia and micropolitics` formation in the digital labor.
The development of new communication technologies and their adaptation to production relations through the mode of production has led to the emergence of cognitive capitalism. The fact that knowledge has become the primary element of production has changed the position of labor in cognitive capitalism. Now, digital labor is mentioned as a new form of non-material labor in production. The biopower, a type of power aimed at surveilling population by improving the living conditions, has implemented biopolitics in the field of production as it is in every area. Relatedly, biopolitics of digital labor has emerged in order to encircle, supervise and surveil digital labor. The center of escape and resistance that came to the rescue from this siege are called heterotopia and micropolitics. Literature search method has been used in the article aims to investigate the potential of the existence of heterotopia and micropolitics in digital labor which exposed to biopolitics. Results of the literature search indicated that new communication technologies as computer, mobile phone and satelite technologies, which also can be seen as the new instruments of the government and capital, almost completely destroy the potentials of heterotopia and micropolitics` formation in the digital labor.
Anahtar Kelimeler
bilişsel kapitalizm, dijital emek, biyopolitika, heterotopya, mikropolitika, cognitive capitalism, digital labour, biopolitics, heterotopia, micropolitics
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