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  • Öğe
    Toxicity of Propylene Glycol Extract of Propolis on Central Nervous System and Liver in Pregnant and Neonatal Rats
    (Georg Thieme Verlag Kg, 2023) Silici, Sibel; Okan, Aslı; Köklü, Betül; Demiray, Sevim; Doğanyiğit, Züleyha
    Background Propolis has become one of the most preferred supplements due to its beneficial biological properties. Organic (water and vegetable oils) and chemical (ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, and glycerol) solvents are used for propolis extraction. However, the effects of these chemicals on health should be taken into account.Objectives In this study, the effects of propolis extracts on health were evaluated.Methods 32 pregnant Wistar albino rats and 64 neonatal/young adults were given three different extractions of propolis (propylene glycol, water, and olive oil). Histopathological analyses were performed on the liver and brain, and blood samples were taken from the hearts of rats.Results Histopathological scoring showed that the intensity of pycnotic hepatocyte, sinusoidal dilatation, and bleeding was high in liver samples of pregnant and baby rats given propylene glycol extract of propolis (p < 0.05). Propylene glycol extract caused dilatation of blood vessels and apoptosis of neurons in brain tissue. The histopathological score was significantly lower in liver and brain tissues of rats treated with water and olive oil extract compared to propylene propolis groups (p < 0.05). Liver enzyme levels in the blood increased in propylene propolis rats (p < 0.05).Conclusion Histopathological changes and biochemical alterations may indicate that propylene glycol extracts of propolis are more toxic than olive oil and water extracts. Therefore, olive oil and water extracts of propolis are more reliable than propylene glycol extract in pregnant and infant rats.
  • Öğe
    Isolation and Characterization of Rhizospheric Bacteria from Vuralia turcica Rhizospheric Soil
    (Ankara University, 2023) Çiftçi, C.; Tekdal, D.; Çingay, B.; Çetiner, M.S.
    Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria are highly active in soil ecosystems for legumes due to their biotic activities. Vuralia turcica (Kit Tan, Vural & Kucukoduk) Uysal & Ertugrul is a Turkish endemic legume plant with potential value as ornamental and food crops. However, reports of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in V. turcica rhizosphere are lacking in the literature. The purpose of this study was the isolation and characterization of endophytic bacteria from V. turcica rhizospheric soil. Ten bacterial strains were isolated and identified by comparing the 16S rRNA and 16S-23S rRNA ITS region. 4 isolates belonged to Bacillus megaterium, 3 strains belonged to Stenotrophomonas rhizophila, 1 strain belonged to Rhodococcus erythropolis, 1 strain belonged to Xanthomonas albilineans. The remaining 1 strain belonged to Lysobacter enzymogenes, respectively. © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Ankara University, Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Öğe
    Polarization in the Turkish Press: Framing the Social Movement in Iran
    (Polish Communication Assoc, 2022) Karabıyık, Ali Çağlar
    This study examines the framing of the social movement in Iran launched on 29 December 2017, by analyzing the news texts of six national Turkish newspapers. It discusses the movement in the context of news framing, focusing on problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and treatment recommendation. The findings suggest that each newspaper has reported the social movement in Iran quite differently. The most obvious difference is that the left-wing, anti-government press mainly explained the events in terms of political, economic, and social factors while the right-wing, pro-government press attributed the events to 'foreign forces' and reflected the dominant discourse of political power while framing the news. Thus, the way Turkish newspapers frame a social movement outside the country reveals the intense polarization in the Turkish press.
  • Öğe
    The Need for Hospice Care as a Preferred Environment of Death in Terminal Cancers: A Neglected Research Area in Turkey
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) İşler, Ayşe Mine; Yıldırım, Buğra
    In the context of end-of-life practices in Turkey, the researchers considered it important to reveal the need for hospice care in Turkey since the number of palliative care units is low and they do not meet the needs, hospice care services are absent, and intensive care units are misused in parallel with these deficiencies. The researchers addressed the subject with a phenomenological qualitative approach. The views of healthcare professionals and patient relatives who cared for terminal cancer patients. In the context of the environment of death preferences were of interest. The study was conducted in the city center of Manisa, one of the 30 metropolitan cities located in the western region of Turkey. Of the 23 participants, 18 were healthcare professionals working in the field of oncology, and five participants were primary caregivers who lost their loved ones with terminal cancer. The caregiver family members were the family members who provided care to the terminal cancer patient with their own means at home and accompanied the patient's treatment process, since there was no hospice care. A semi-structured interview guide was utilized for the in-depth interviews. Data were transcribed by the researchers and coded in MAXQDA 2020, subjected to thematic analysis, and divided into units of meaning. At the final stage of the study, the units of meaning were combined, and four basic themes were revealed: the conceptualization of the environment of death preferences, the problems caused by death in the hospital, the necessity of hospice care, and hospice care for caregivers. The study results demonstrated that hospice care was an essential need in Turkey, and the workload of hospitals would decrease, and hospital resources could be used efficiently in the presence of hospices. At the same time, it was understood that hospices were services making it easier for terminal cancer patients and their caregivers to face death with peaceful expectations.
  • Öğe
    Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Açık Erişim Politikası
    (Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, 2016) Namık Kemal Üniversitesi
    Namık Kemal Üniversitesi (NKU) bünyesinde yapılan akademik çalışmalar için açık erişim, kurumsal arşivleme, uzun dönemli derleme ve dijital koruma süreçlerinin yürütülmesi amacıyla hazırlanmış politikadır.
  • Öğe
    Trombositten Zengin Plazma (Tzp)’Nın Kondrosit Proliferasyonu Üzerine Etkisi Var Mı?
    (Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, 2016) Şirin, Duygu Yaşar
    Geleneksel uygulanan trombositten zengin plazmanın elde edilmesinde kullanılan ticari kitlerin birçoğunda kolajen, trombin ve CaCl2 ile aktive edilmeden hazırlanan trombositler, herhangi bir ilaç taşıma sistemi olmaksızın doğrudan hastalara uygulanmaktadır. Yarı ömürleri çok kısa olan büyüme faktörlerinin, canlı dışına alındığında dakikalar içerisinde biyoetkinliği yok olarak ölmektedir. Dahası hangi lökosit konsantrasyonuna sahip trombositten zengin plazmanın kıkırdak hasarlarında daha efektif olacağına yönelik kanıt değeri yüksek çalışma yok denecek kadar azdır. Bu yüzden bu araştırmada biyopolimerik hidrojel içerisine emdirilerek kullanılacak olan farklı lökosit konsantrasyonuna sahip trombositten zengin plazmanın; kondrosit proliferasyonu ve prekondrosit diferansiyasyon proteini olan stage pesific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) üzerine, geleneksel klinik uygulanan PRP’den daha efektif olabileceğinin moleküler düzeyde gösterilebilmesi amaçlandı. Olguların osteokondral dokularından izolasyonla, standart primer insan kondrosit kültürleri hazırlandı. Osteokondral dokusu kullanılan her bir hastaya ait otolog kan örnekleri alınarak, lökosit içeriği farklı konsantrasyonlarda olan aktive edilmiş trombositten zengin plazmalar elde edildi. Kültürize kondrositleri içeren örnekler beş ana gruba ayrıldı. Moleküler düzeyde, sadece MTT-cell viability, toksisite, proliferasyon ve stage pesific embryonic antigen-1 protein ifadeleri analizlenmedi aynı zamanda, enviromenting scanning electron ve inverted light mikroskobileri de değerlendirildi. Grupların istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırılması sonucunda, hem sağlıklı proliferasyona müsaade eden hem de SSEA-1 proteinin daha fazla ifade edildiği grubun, hidrojel içerisine düşük konsantrasyonda lökosit içeren TZP emdirilen örneklerin olduğu gözlemlendi (p=0.000). SSEA-1 seviyesi ile hücre proliferasyonu arasında korelasyonun olduğu ve bunun istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu raporlandı (rho=0.745; p=0.000). Kıkırdak hasarlarının tedavisinde geleneksel uygulanan TZP yerine, düşük konsantrasyonda lökosit içeren TZP emdirilen ilaç taşıyıcı matrikslerin kullanılmasının acilen in vivo deneysel metotlarla test edilmesinin önemi vurgulandı.