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  • Öğe
    The influence of spirituality on generations Y and Z working in the tourism & hospitality industry
    (Routledge, 2022) Yazıt, Hasibe
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Öğe
    The link between technological innovation and financial development: Evidence from selected OECD countries
    (Wiley, 2022) Çeştepe, Hamza; Çetin, Murat; Avcı, Pınar; Bahtiyar, Bersu
    Financial development is a main goal for developing and developed countries. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the impact of technological innovation on financial development over the period 1990-2018 for 21 OECD countries. The study integrates economic growth, natural resources and financial globalisation into the financial development equation as other explanatory variables. To estimate the long-run coefficients, the Driscoll-Kraay standard errors, panel corrected standard errors and feasible generalised least squares estimators are applied. The Dumitrescu-Hurlin bootstrap causality test is used to examine the causal linkages among the variables. It is found that there exists cointegration between the variables. It is also found that technological innovation, economic growth and financial globalisation positively affect financial development while natural resources decrease it in the long run. The findings reveal that technological innovation and financial development cause each other. The study will present some policy recommendations to accelerate financial sector development in OECD countries.
  • Öğe
    The Impact of ICT on Financial Sector Development Under Structural Break: An Empirical Analysis of the Turkish Economy
    (Sage Publications Ltd, 2023) Shahbaz, Muhammad; Çetin, Murat; Avcı, Pınar; Sarıgül, Sevgi Sümerli; Topçu, Betül Altay
    This study is to examine the relationship between information and communication technology (ICT) and financial development in the Turkish economy during the period of 1986-2018. By empirical literature, economic growth, technological innovation, and financial globalization are added to the financial development model as explanatory variables. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model and Hatemi-J cointegration test with two structural breaks are applied to examine the presence of cointegration between the variables. Dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS), fully modified least squares (FMOLS), and canonical cointegrating regression (CCR) estimation techniques are applied for long-term estimates. The vector error correction model (VECM) Granger causality approach is used for causality analysis. Our empirical results show that under the structural break, ICT, economic growth, technological innovation, and financial globalization are cointegrated with financial development. In the presence of a structural break, ICT and technological innovation negatively affect financial development, while economic growth and financial globalization have a positive impact on financial development. The causality analysis determines that there is a one-way causality relationship running from ICT and economic growth to financial development. In addition, technological innovation and financial globalization lead to long-term financial development. Empirical findings have important policy recommendations for financial development in the Turkish economy.
  • Öğe
    The impact of natural resources, economic growth, savings, and current account balance on financial sector development: Theory and empirical evidence
    (Elsevier Ltd, 2023) Çetin, Murat; Sarıgül, S.S.; Işık, C.; Avcı, Pınar; Ahmad, M.; Alvarado, R.
    The development of the financial sector is one of the main macroeconomic goals for developing countries as well as developed ones. The literature focusing on the determinants of financial sector development presents very diverse and inconsistent results. Therefore, the main aim of the study is to empirically investigate the long run and causal linkages between natural resources, economic growth, savings, current account balance and financial sector development for 33 developing countries. The study applies the cross-sectionally augmented autoregressive distributed lag (CS-ARDL) and Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality tests, which are among the new panel data techniques. The results reveal that natural resources, economic growth, savings, current account balance and financial sector development are cointegrated. Natural resources, economic growth and current account balance negatively affect financial development while savings stimulate financial development. It is found that there exists a bi-directional causality between all the explanatory variables and financial development. Theoretical and policy implications are discussed within the perspective of macroeconomics and financial sustainability for developing countries. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd
  • Öğe
    Structural breaks, financial globalization, and financial development: Evidence from Turkey
    (Univ Islam Indonesia, 2022) Avcı, Pınar; Çetin, Murat
    Purpose ? Mishkin's hypothesis suggests that globalization appears to be a vital factor in stimulating the development of the financial system. The study examines this hypothesis for the Turkish economy from 1970 to 2017. It focuses on the link between financial globalization and financial development by integrating economic growth, inflation, and natural resource rent as additional determinants into the financial development specification. Methods ? The Ng-Perron and Vogelsang-Perron unit root tests are used to check the stationarity of variables. The cointegration analysis is performed using the Hatemi-J and ARDL bounds testing procedures.Findings ? The main empirical results show that the series are cointegrated under structural breaks; in the long run, financial globalization and economic growth increase financial development while inflation and natural resource rent negatively affect financial development. A unidirectional causality exists from financial globalization and economic growth to financial development. At the same time, there is bidirectional causality between inflation and financial development, natural resource rent, and financial development.Implications ? The empirical findings can present important recommendations for policymakers.Originality ? Very few time-series studies include Turkey's economy and structural breaks.
  • Öğe
    The Effect of COVID-19 on the Stock Market Performance: Empirical Evidence for Turkish Economy
    (Journal Applied Economics & Business Research, 2022) Avcı, Pınar; Çetin, Murat
    The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and stock market performance under the structural break in case of Turkey for the period from April 10, 2020 to March 19, 2021. Here, the confirmed cases, deaths, tests and recoveries during COVID-19 pandemic were carried out as the COVID-19 pandemic variables. The obtained empirical findings indicated that i) the series were integrated at I(1), ii) the series were cointegrated in the presence of structural break, iii) the confirmed number of cases and deaths reduced the stock market performance, while the confirmed number of tests and recoveries enhanced the performance of the stock market under the structural break, and iv) in the long run the bidirectional causality among the confirmed number of cases, deaths and recoveries with stock market performance and the unidirectional causality running from the confirmed number of tests to stock market performance were found. In brief, the study's empirical results could provide several policy suggestions to governments, policy makers, investors and risk managers to take several precautions that decreased the negative effects of the epidemics on the Turkish stock market performance.
  • Öğe
    Kırsal kalkınmada turizmin rolü ve İğneada'nın turizm potansiyeli
    (2012) Tan, Özlem
    Kırsal Turizm, bir çok özelliklerinden dolayı turizm türleri içinde çevre ve kültür ile en uyumlu, olumsuz etkileri en az olan bir turizm türüdür. Konaklamanın kırsal alanlarda ve çoğunlukla da kırsal yerleşmelerin mevcut konutlarında gerçekleştirilmesi ile çevre sorunlarına yol açmamaktadır. Kırsal turizm bölgenin gelişimine önemli katkılar sağlayan bir turizm türüdür. Kırklareli’ne bağlı İğneada beldesi de Kırsal Turizm ve Eko-Turizm açısından gelişen bir yöremizdir. İğneada’da orman ve deniz iç içedir. 10 km’ye varan altın rengindeki kumsalı ile kamu ve özel girişimcilerin ve turistlerin gözde mekanı olmaktadır. Eşsiz doğa ile çevrelenmiş bu belde denizi ile kendini fark ettirmektedir. İğneada’da deniz turizmin gelişmesi ile pansiyonculuk ve restorancılık önemli gelir kaynağı olmuştur. İğneada yakınlarında bulunan Dupnisa Mağarası ise Mağara turizmi için bulunmaz bir doğa harikasıdır. Türkiye Mağara literatüründe en çok bilinen mağaralardan biri olan Dupnisa Mağarası dört milyon yıldan beri oluşum içerisindedir. Mağaranın toplam uzunluğu 2720 metredir. Birbirine tezat üç Mağara’nın bulunması son derece ilginçtir. Dupnisa Mağarası 2003 yılında turizme açılmıştır. Doğa ve macera sevenlerin akınına uğramaktadır. Özellikle hafta sonları çevre illerden doğa tutkunları bu mağarayı gezmek için bölgeye gelmektedir. İğneada aynı zamanda Botanik ve Kuş Gözlemciliği turizmine de ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Longoz Ormanları(Subasar) dünya üzerinde 3 yerde görülmektedir. Bunlardan biri de İğneada dadır. Kış ve İlkbahar aylarında tamamen sularla kaplı olan, yaz ve sonbahar aylarında ise suyu çekilen bu ormanlar, Floristik kompozisyona sahiptir. Longoz Ormanlarında Dünya ‘da örneğine az rastlanan bitki ve kuş türleri mevcuttur. İğneada birbirinden farklı turizm potansiyelleri ile hem kırsal turizmin, hem de bölgenin gelişimine katkı sağlamaktadır.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye'deki İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüklerinin Facebook Sayfalarının İçerik Analiziyle İncelenmesi
    (2016) Cinnioğlu, Hasan; Dönmez Polat, Dilek
    Son yıllarda sosyal medya araçları hızlı bir şekilde gelişmiş ve milyonlarca insan tarafından kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu da turizm paydaşlarının destinasyonlar ile ilgili reklam ve tanıtım faaliyetlerini bu araçlar yardımıyla yapmalarını teşvik etmektedir. Facebook sitesi sosyal medya araçları içerisinde en fazla tercih edilen araçlardan birisidir. İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlükleri facebook sayfası oluşturarak reklam ve tanıtım faaliyetlerini bu araç sayesinde hızlı, düşük maliyetle ve daha etkin bir şekilde yerine getirebilirler. Bu nedenle bu çalışmanın temel amacı Türkiye'deki İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüklerinin facebook sitelerini ne şekilde kullandıklarını, özellikle destinasyon tanıtımı konusunda facebook sitesinden ne ölçüde yararlandıklarını ortaya koymaktır. Bununla birlikte facebook sitesinden daha etkili bir şekilde yararlanabilmeleri için öneriler sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda facebook sitesine sahip olan 48 adet İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğünün facebook siteleri içerik analiziyle incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda müdürlüklerin facebook sitesinden yeteri kadar ve etkili bir şekilde yararlanmadıkları tespit edilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Firma Piyasa Değeri İçin Muhasebe ve Ekonomik Verilerin Analizi: Holding Firma Uygulaması
    (2020) Avcı, Pınar
    Çalışmada firmaların piyasa değeri ile muhasebe ve makro ekonomik verilerarasındaki ilişki araştırılmaktadır. Bu ilişki tespiti için Borsa İstanbul’da işlem gören holdingfirmalar arasından Koç Holding A.Ş., Hacı Ömer Sabancı Holding A.Ş., TAVHavalimanları Holding, Tekfen Holding A.Ş. ve Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Şseçilmektedir. Holding firmaların 2009Q1-2018Q4 dönem aralığı verileri toplanıpdurağanlıkları belirlenmekte ve sonrasında eş bütünleşme testi yapılmaktadır. Çalışmasonucunda, holding firmaların piyasa değeri ile holdinglerin defter değeri ve net kârı ve hattagayri safi yurtiçi hasıla (GSYİH), faiz oranı, üretim endeksi, döviz kuru ve BİST100 endeksiarasında uzun dönemli ilişki belirlenmektedir. DOLS yöntemi sonuçlarına göre de, holdingfirmaların piyasa değerini defter değeri ve net kâr arttırmaktadır. Ayrıca GSYİH, faiz oranıve BIST100 endeksinin genel olarak holding şirketlerinin piyasa değerini artırdığı, üretimendeksi ve döviz kurlarının düşürdüğü tespit edilmiştir.
  • Öğe
    Pulsed electric fields (PEF) applications on wine production: A review
    (E D P Sciences, 2017) Öztürk, Burcu; Anlı, Ertan
    Novel techniques have been searched in the last decades as a result of increasing demand for high quality food products. Non-thermal processing technologies, such as pulsed electric fields (PEF) have been improved to achieve inhibition of deleterious effects on quality-related compounds. The working principle of PEF is based on the application of pulses of high voltage (typically above 20 kV/cm up to 70 kV/cm) to liquid foods placed between two electrodes. Pulsed electric fields technique has also been studied in winemaking process. Certain positive influences of PEF on vinification have been reported as elimination of pathogenic microorganisms, reduction of maceration time, increase in phenolic compounds extraction, acceleration of wine aging and inactivation of oxidative enzymes. The aim of this review is to summarize the potential applications of PEF in winemaking and to express its effects on quality of wine.
  • Öğe
    The effect of cold maceration on the phenolic composition of red wines
    (E D P Sciences, 2017) Bayram, Mustafa; Öztürk, Burcu; Anlı, Ertan
    In this study, it was aimed to reveal the effect of cold maceration on the phenolic composition according to classical maceration in Cabernet sauvignon wines. For this purpose; total phenol, total anthocyanin and biologically active eight different phenolic compounds were determined by HPLC in Cabernet sauvignon wines produced with two different maceration techniques during the 2009 and 2010 harvest years. According to the results obtained; wines produced in 2009 and 2010 with classical maceration showed the highest total phenol content with 1529.09 mg GAE/L and 2051.81 mg GAE/L, respectively. The highest total anthocyanin content in Cabernet sauvignon wines were determined in classic maceration wine (149.95 mg/L), cold maceration wine (279.50 mg/L) in 2009 and 2010. The amount of catechin in classic and cold maceration wines was determined as 58.30 mg/L; 51.30 mg/L in 2009 and 140.98 mg/L; 86.45 mg/L in 2010, respectively. According the results, catechin was the highest individual phenolic compound among gallic acid and epicatechin in all maceration types in 2009 and 2010. (-) - Epicatechin and gallic acid were the most present phenolic compounds respectively after (+) - catechin. Malvidine 3-glycoside content was higher than cyanidin 3-5 diglucoside content in all kinds of different maceration types in 2009 and 2010.
  • Öğe
    Combination of visible and mid-infrared spectra for the prediction of chemical parameters of wines
    (Elsevier Science Bv, 2016) Şen, İlknur; Öztürk, Burcu; Tokatlı, Figen; Özen, Banu
    Rapid and environmentally friendly methods for the prediction of chemical compositions have been an interest in the wine industry. The objective of the study was to show the potentials of combined use of visible and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopies to improve the prediction of various chemical compounds of wine as opposed to using mid-infrared range only. Wine samples of twelve grape varieties from two harvest years were analyzed. The chemical composition of wine samples was related to MIR and visible spectra using orthogonal partial least square (OPLS) regression technique. The prediction abilities were tested with crossvalidation and independent validation sets. The coefficient of determination of validation (R-val(2)) for anthocyanin compounds of red wines were between 0.76 and 0.90, and that for total phenol content was 0.90. Range of R-val(2) for glycerol, glycerol/ethanol ratio, malic acid, o-coumaric acid and degrees Brix were between 0.77 and 0.96. The spectral ranges that played significant roles in the predictions were also determined. The validations with independent data sets showed that the combination of visible and MIR ranges with multivariate methods improved the prediction of anthocyanin compounds and total phenols; produced comparable results for the rest of the parameters as MIR. This is the first study in the literature that shows the practical use of visible spectra along MIR. The combined use of these spectral ranges with multivariate models can be applied for the rapid, on-line determination of quality parameters and chemical profiles of wines. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Different techniques for reducing alcohol levels in wine: A review
    (E D P Sciences, 2014) Öztürk, Burcu; Anlı, Ertan
    Both the increasing interest on healthy life and the legal limitations of each country for a specific wine style make essential the adjustment of the wine alcohol content. Especially the increase of the average weather temperature around the world gives rise to the grapes grown into high sugar content and low acidity. The wines produced from these grapes have consequently high alcohol content. High alcohol levels can negatively influence wine aroma balance in conjunction with the consumer acceptance. Furthermore excessive alcohol in wine may increase costs in countries where taxes are levied according to alcohol concentration. Several techniques have been developed for the reduction of ethanol content in wines with excessive alcohol content. The techniques at issue are applied on different stages of wine making process. Implementation of different viticulture techniques including reducing leaf area, monitoring maturity and aroma profiles or winemaking practices like utilisation of enzymes, different yeast strains and post fermentation practices such as distillation, blending and membrane based systems applications form a basis for the adjustment of elevated alcohol levels in wine. The aim of this review is to provide technical and practical information covering the outstanding techniques that may be used to adjust elevated alcohol concentration in wine and their effects on wine from the point of organoleptic characteristics view.
  • Öğe
    Congress Tourism in the Turkey and An Application Congress Hotel in Istanbul
    (Int Organization Center Acad Research, 2015) Cinnioğlu, Hasan; Akcan, Ahmet Tayfur; Yazit, Hasibe
    In this study, it is mentioned how much congress and meeting organizations in changing and developing in the tourism industry have an important role in both macro and micro basis is mentioned depending on the data presented of the congress tourism in the Turkey. The study consists of two parts, in the first section, general information is given about congress tourism with the literature study, In the last section, congress hotel in Istanbul were interviewed to support research.
  • Öğe
    Farklı Hammaddelerden Üretilen Sirkelerin Bazı Fizikokimyasal ve Fonksiyonel Özellikleri
    (Univ Namik Kemal, 2021) Bozdemir, Merve; Kamer, Deniz Damla Altan; Akgül, Gönül; Gümüş, Tuncay
    In order to examine the effect of raw material, which directly affects the composition and quality of vinegar in the production, some physicochemical properties and bioactive components of vinegars produced from different raw materials (Honey, Grape, Pomegranate, Apple and Hawthorn ), which are sold in the market, were examined and their compliance with TS 1880 EN 13188 standard was investigated. Total dry matter, ash, pH, total acidity, volatile acidity, non- volatile acidity, total sugar, SO2, density, alcohol, total antioxidant activity and total phenolic components of the samples from vinegars produced from different raw materials were determined. Total dry matter, ash and pH of the samples were between 0.65-6.48 %, 0.098-1.937 % and 2.68-3.31, respectively. Total acidity was determined in the range of 0.870-6.185% (acetic acid), volatile acidity 0.869-6.069%, non-volatile acidity 0.0006-0.1221%, total amount of sugar 0.288-288.2 g L-1, SO2 amount 12.8-70.4 mg L-1, density 1.0089-1.0617 g cm(3-1) and alcohol were determined between 0.1-0.6%. The lowest total phenolic content was determined as 73.52 mg GAE L-1 in the honey vinegar while it was the highest in the pomegranate vinegar as 1885.71 mg GAE Antioxidant capacity values, another bioactive component in vinegar, were analyzed by DPPH method and EC50 values were determined to be in the range of 5.83-538.7 mu l mL(-1). The highest antioxidant capacity was found as 5.83 mu l mL(-1) in pomegranate vinegar (N3), while the lowest antioxidant capacity was determined as 538.7 mu l mL(-1) (B4) in honey vinegar. As a consequence of the results obtained, it was observed that the composition of the vinegar varied widely depending on the raw material from which the vinegar was produced and the quality of the vinegar increases according to the density of the bioactive components coming from the raw material. In particular, bioactive components positively influence the effects of vinegar on health. However, although vinegars had different advantages in terms of bioactive components, it was found that some components of vinegars did not comply with the standards set by law. Since it does not show much deterioration due to its acetic acid content, vinegar is not emphasized much in terms of imitation and adulteration. Adding acetic acid from outside or diluting acetic acid are among the most common tricks in vinegars. Therefore, determination of vinegar composition and control of compliance with the relevant legislation is very important in order to distinguish natural and artificial vinegar.
  • Öğe
    The Relationship Between Public, Private Sectors and Growth: the Case of Turkey
    (Int Organization Center Acad Research, 2015) Akcan, Ahmet Tayfur; Ergen, Halis Ulubey; Atabey, Aslı Özen; Avcı, Pınar
    The basic purpose of this study is to analyze relationship between investmen and gross domestic products. For this purpose, fistly public ivestment, private sector investment and growth will be looked at theoretically and after this informations, to mesure the effect of public investment and prevate sector investment for gross domestic product from 1980 to 2013. For this measurement, it will be used multiple regression. According to the outcomes of the set econometrical multiple regression models there is a positive and close relationship between investment and gross domestic product.
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    Sosyal Medya Reklamlarına Yönelik Tüketici Algıları İle E-Sadakat Arasındaki İlişkide Markaya Yönelik Tutumun Rolü
    (2017) Kayapınar, Özgür; Yürük Kayapınar, Pınar; Tan, Özlem
    Sosyal medyanın işletmeler tarafından reklam aracı olarak kullanılması, hem işletmelere hem de tüketicilere büyük kolaylıklar sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada da sosyal medya reklamlarına yönelik tüketici algıları ile e-sadakat arasındaki ilişki ölçülmüş, bu ilişkide markaya yönelik tutumun rolü incelenmiştir. Bu amaca göre sosyal medyayı kullanan ve Tekirdağ ilinde yaşayan tüketicilerden toplam 876 anket yüz yüze görüşülerek toplanmıştır. Yapılan analizler ile elde edilen sonuçlar şu şekildedir: Sosyal medya reklamlarına yönelik tüketici algılarının alt boyutlarından eğlence ve bilgi değişkenlerinin markaya yönelik tutum üzerinde doğrudan etkilerinin olduğu belirlenirken, güven değişkeninin markaya yönelik tutum üzerinde doğrudan bir etkisinin olmadığı gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca eğlence, bilgi ve güven değişkenlerinin esadakat üzerinde de doğrudan etkilerinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Markaya yönelik tutumun da e-sadakat üzerinde doğrudan etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Dolaylı etkiler incelendiğinde ise eğlence ve bilgi değişkenlerinin, markaya yönelik tutum üzerinden e-sadakat üzerinde dolaylı etkilerinin olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Fakat güven değişkeninin markaya yönelik tutum üzerinden e-sadakat üzerinde dolaylı bir etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir